660 articles on "right"

How to protect your eBooks from Piracy and Copyright Infringement!

How to protect your eBooks from Piracy and Copyright Infringement! by: Seb Jay How to protect your eBooks from Piracy and Copyright Infringement! eBooks, or electronic books, mean big business for all aspiring writers. Not only can eBooks be so...

Online Business  online business copyright really ebooks content writers need
Writing Made Them Rich #3: Richard Bach

ing Made Them Rich #3: Richard Bach by: Michael Southon One day in the mid-1970's a young man stumbled into a diner somewhere in the United Sates. Slung over his shoulder was a kit-bag that contained everything he owned. He was unshaven an...

Writing  writing publisher rights months books voice
Is Court in Session

Publishing Guidelines: This article may be freely publishedso long as the author's resource box, bylines, and copyrightare included.TITLE: Is Court in Session?AUTHOR: Jerry LopperCONTACT: jlopper@att.netCOPYRIGHT: ©2002 by Jerry Lopper. All...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation judging youll right change
Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recording or Songwriting Deal?!?!

Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recording or Songwriting Deal?!?! by: Ty Cohen You’ve got your recording (or songwriting) contract in hand and everything’s coming up roses, right? You get your check, finally, but it’s not quit...

Writing  writing rights music contracts contract some
Reach Web Site Goals by Understanding the Customer Decision Making Process Part 1 of 2

An important question to answer when creating or revising aWeb site is "What are the goals of this site?" because theanswer will drive your site design and marketing decisions.A good way to choose the correct goals is to think in termsof the customer...

Marketing  marketing decision process right sales making email
DUI Checkpoints ...Could This Be You

DUI checkpoints are the only exception to the freedoms granted to U.S. citizens by the constitution. The U.S. Constitution states that the government and police need “probable cause” to detain any citizen for questioning except in the case of DU...

Legal  legal bright police lights wine
Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks for Selling at Craft Shows

Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks for Selling at Craft Shows by: Natalie Goyette Copyrights, are common concerns for craftspeople. If you've invented a unique product, you will more than likely want to protect it from others who can create k...

Hobbies  hobbies copyright copyrighted craft work works
Intellectual Property Defined

Intellectual Property Defined by: Paul Hood Ignorance of the law excuses no one. If you are unaware of your law, then you are in for big trouble. To better understand what are your rights and duties, educate yourself. Issues regarding intellect...

Legal  legal property rights intellectual owner know
Herbal Sex Supplements

Herbal Sex Supplements by: Dr. Michael Rodriguez, M.D. There are numerous herbal supplements on the market today that increase sexual performance and satisfaction. How is one to choose which of these products is the right one to try? Trying to s...

Health  health supplements herbal ingredients right vary
Ebook Rebranding - The New Ebook Marketing Power?

Ebook Rebranding - The New Ebook Marketing Power?  by: Joe LeeWell, it is definitely yes! In the early day of internet marketing, giving away ebook free was a very good list-building strategy. It worked extremely well. But it is no longer the ca...

Marketing  marketing ebook rebrand affiliate product rights