147 articles on "roll"

Am I Really A Stroller-Monger?

Am I Really A Stroller-Monger? by: David Leonhardt I was reading "A Modern Infant Armada", a humor column in Maclean's Magazine written by a fellow humor columnist. Writing about it now is a bit like a painter painting another painter or a ...

Parenting  parenting wife stroller another
Will the Xbox 360 Have An Achilles Heal?

The Xbox 360 has been a staple in the gaming industry since its release in 2005. It has undergone several updates and revisions over the years, but it has consistently remained a popular choice among gamers. However, the question remains: will the Xb...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos xbox controller games button madden still
How To Choose The Best Double Jogging Stroller

Double Jogging Strollers are an excellent way to get the kids out of the house and to get them some fresh air. When the weather is nice, it's always a good idea for them have some outdoors time. Letting them ride in a double jogging stroller whi...

Parenting  parenting double jogging strollers stroller kids
Web Source Web Design Tips - Open A New Window With A Button or Link

Button:Link:function openwindowlink(){newwin window.open("yourdomain.htm","windowname"," height320,width320,scrollbars,resizable")}// end hiding >Open Window About the Author Shelley Loweryslowery@web-source.netTip provided by: Web Source: Your Gui...

Web Development  development linknewwin windowopenyourdomainhtmwindowname heightwidthscrollbarsresizable hiding open window
Strategic and operational Controlling - Early Recognition of Crisis

Assistance in good and in bad times - some enterprises are in a crisis without knowing it. Often it is only noted that something must happen, when customers move away, loans are cancelled, suppliers threaten the business with stop of delivery and whe...

Business And Finance  business finance controlling strategic operational data
Max Shooter Keyboard & Mouse Adapter For PS2 & XBOX

Max Shooter Keyboard & Mouse Adapter For PS2 & XBOX by: Jeromy The third and latest XBOX/PS2 keyboard & mouse adapter to hit the market is the Max Shooter. Before this adapter was released there was a good chance that the guy destroying you in H...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos shooter halo mouse controller game
Best Practice When Buying A Stroller

If you are new dad and mom, one of the indispensable items of baby equipment you will need to buy is a buggy. Consider the many ways you are going to be using the child stroller; you might use it whenever you go to the store, if you buy groceries, ...

Parenting  parenting stroller baby buggy which
Computer Controlled LED Signs

Computer Controlled LED Signs by: Paula Jones Most LED signs available today can be controlled by the operator. Computer Controlled LED signs are controlled by the operator. These are the most upcoming technology that is being spread all over th...

Online Business  online business controlled signs computer operator technology
Payroll Software (part II)

With Payroll software you can:-Print out pay period report-Print Checks and statement-Track your overtime percentage for 52 or 26 rolling pay periods.-Keep up to date with Vacation, Holiday and Sick Days.Payroll software, computes incomes, taxes, ded...

Business And Finance  business finance software payroll billing employee deductions time

THE “SEVEN Cs”: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - The 5th C: Control Issues by: Dorene Lehavi A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 5th C: Control Issues When control is in the pi...

Business And Finance  business finance control behavior controlling person team