8,393 articles on "self"

Hospice Volunteer Training

I thought that when I became a volunteer, it would be as simple as approaching my chosen agency, saying, “I want to volunteer”, telling them in what capacities I was willing to serve, convincing them that I was a good and honest person, and it wo...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation volunteer families
How Will You Be Remembered

Have you ever wondered about your own funeral? How many people will attend and what do you imagine they will say about your life? Recently I read a story about a man named Alfred who had the rare opportunity to read his own obituary. Apparently the n...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation alfred obituary read peace noble will
How to aces the gold mine inside yourself

The Power of Impractical IdeasWhen thinking about success in life, I asked myself what is themain thing that has held me back. If you had to trace all yourmajor successes and failures, what is the one thing that youfeel caused the difference between ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation impractical ideas thing time
How to Stay Motivated Until You Get What You Want

Was there a time when you were completely motivated tosucceed? And somehow you knew how to stay motivated...Goals are mysterious things - they spring into our mindsmotivating us to succeed, fuel fires of fantasy aboutsuccess and new found happiness, ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goal aboutself succeed
Priorities Are You Living Yours

In the Charles Dickens classic, “The Christmas Story”, Scrooge is given the opportunity to examine his life and his priorities before it is too late. Upon being shown his grave by the ghost of Christmas Future, he asks “Spirit, are these instan...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation priorities lives life other
Do One Thing Different

I was walking into my office building the other day, when I realized that I always approach the door from the same side, open the same side of the door, with the same hand.Now you could call it deja vu, but I know that it has happened before, almost ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stuck door different
Dial M for Mindfulness Using the Golden Arches

Looking for mindfulness? Who ya gonna call? Try dialing M. It's easy to be mindful. It's just hard to remember to be mindful. That's why it's so important to pick our triggers.Here's a great trigger for mindfulnessthe letter ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mindful mcdonaldaposs itaposs golden trigger
Anger and Your Driving How to Cope With Dangerous Emotions Part 1

Are you driving under the influence of impaired emotions?Dateline: December 4, 2002. Orange County, California.A 29 year old man was shot to death, an apparent victim of road rage. According to newspaper accounts, he had a reputation for never backin...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation driving aggressive zone road example drivers
Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice - Part I

"I believe that when man evolves a civilization higher than the mechanized but still primitive one he has now, the eating of human flesh will be sanctioned. For then man will have thrown off all of his superstitions and irrational taboos."(Diego Rive...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation cannibalism human flesh consensual
Write Strategy Think, Believe, Attack

Think of writing like karate...it's about DISCIPLINE.Writing, like other forms of art, work or talent, requires discipline. It won't ever be enough that you say to yourself that you are a writer. Only when you write and write with disciplin...

Writing  writing write lifeself donapost