8,393 articles on "self"

The Structure of Excellence

What is it that makes a Tiger Woods, a Bill Gates, a Shumacher or Leonardo Di Vinci? What is the structure of excellence, is it discoverable, is it replicable and perhaps most importantly is it possible to install the structure of excellence in ourse...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation excellence structure feelings future gloomy
Free Logos Vs Custom Logo Design

Web is full of all kind of free stuff, the quality and usefulness of this free stuff is debatable. But there is no doubt that there is a huge demand of free stuff on the web. Marketing is a limitless business which uses lots of resources several busi...

Web Development  development stuff designself kind services business
In Spirit's Toolbox - Diet for a Cosmic Planet

While the journey to cosmic consciousness involves spontaneous awakenings for a few lucky people, it's a matter of "chop wood, carry water" for most of us, according to neurofeedback practitioner A. Martin Wuttke, founder of the Georgia-based Ne...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation wuttke divine awakening spontaneous journey breath
Support Others in Transition

Is someone you care about going through an ending or a difficult transition, feeling sad or grieving? Are you? Everyone experiences changes in life. With most endings and transitions such as job changes, the ending of a relationship, or the death of...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation grief sadness emotions listen person
The One Great Sermon That Got Away

The One Great Sermon That Got Away by: Rev. James L. Snyder Most people don't realize ministers are obligated to prepare and preach one great sermon in their career. In looking over my record of sermons, I noticed many "good" sermons, but a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sermon sermons time good
Priorities: Are You Living Yours?

Priorities: Are You Living Yours? by: Anthony Mullins In the Charles Dickens classic, “The Christmas Story”, Scrooge is given the opportunity to examine his life and his priorities before it is too late. Upon being shown his grave by the gho...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation priorities lives life they
Learn About The Traditional Chinese Sailing Ships

Learn About The Traditional Chinese Sailing Ships by: Jakob Jelling The traditional sailing ships are one of the main prosperity Chinese symbols. Actually, these objects are the most known symbols after dragons in the Chinese culture. Just like ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sailing prosperity door ships ship they
Making Communication Effective: 4 Language Filters

Making Communication Effective: 4 Language Filters by: Steve Brunkhorst Language is a challenging way to communicate. It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings by describing our personal views of reality. Yet language is not reality. It is...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation personal messages language influence beliefs listeneraposs
What is pitch correction - Can singers actually sing anymore

Not all that long ago, record producers and engineers used to spend long hours with singers in the studio making sure that they got the best possible take of their performance. It was very important to make sure that the singer sang everything in tu...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation pitch correction studio singer singing
Linguaphone Language Learning Programs

The Linguaphone Institute London , founded in 1923, has always had close links with acedemic world. Jacques Roston, founder of the Institute and pioneer of the use of sound recordings in home- study language learning, was advised by distinguished sch...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation linguaphone acedemic courses institute evans including languages