8,393 articles on "self"

The #1 Way to Control your Mind for Success!

People say: "One can't help one's thoughts." But one can.The control of the thinking machine is perfectly possible.And since nothing whatever happens to us outside our own brain; since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mind concentrate control
Is Religious freedom Free

“Religious Freedom or Freedom from Religion?”by Terry Dashner, Senior PastorFaith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK…74013…918-451-0270I’m concerned about American citizens who take religious liberties for granted. Every God...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation religious tolerance religion right christian
Great Tips To Get Your Girlfriend Back

Sometimes, a chain of events conspired to split you and your girlfriend. Staring at her pictures and missing her presence bring overwhelming feelings of desire. If you are unable to move on and look for someone else, then there are some great tips to...

Relationships  relationships girlfriendself there
ABC's of Becoming an Effective Teen

A: Acquire a Strong and Positive Attitude B: Break Out of Your Shell C: Characterize Your Hero D: Demand Respect For Your Standards, Yourself and Your Beliefs E: Energize Yourself Everyday With a Goal of Making a Difference F: Failure to Plan, i...

Kids And Teens  kids teens keepself acquire momentum seek strengths weaknessesj
From the Chickencoop

As a chicken, living in a coop can be both cozy and confining. On one hand, the coop serves as a shelter from the elements and predators, while also providing a safe and secure place for us to sleep at night. However, on the other hand, it can be cra...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation rooster hens coop chicken people
So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures?

So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures? by: Kenneth Williams "It's no good! I'm just hopeless with figures!" If you've ever said that to yourself then don't worry - you're not alone. Many people believe themselve...

Business And Finance  business finance numbers donapost someself math
Job Interview Tips That Work!

Job Interview Tips That Work!1. You've been called for an interviewafter placing an application or sendingout a resume.2. First step is to: Know why you areinterested in this job. Do you havethe necessary skills, really?3. Is the job you have ap...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation position smile when
Top 5 Sources Of Energy Drains

Top 5 Sources of Energy DrainBy Helaine Iris©2004Along with time and money, energy is one of your most valuable resources. And if you're a professional woman, it's a resource that's most likely in short supply. With the myriad num...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation energy time drain itaposs
Beware of prolonged erections, you aren't Priapus!

Dear Reader,Please be informed of an important and very serious topic, for a happy sexual life.Be careful! A prolonged, persistent and painful erection may occur tonight! And with the absence of knowledge, you'll be one of the statistical number...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation informed wonapost increase triggers
Ron Sathoff's Speaker Tips

It seems like a lot of old public speaking books seem to believein the strategy of telling the audience a joke at the beginningof a speech in order to break the ice.That isn't a bad idea, but it won't work if you JUST tell a joke.Rather, ma...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation joke speech story probably