8,393 articles on "self"

CHANGE Is Your Best Guarantee Of Job Security

When running your own businesses it is usual to have standard procedures and set ways of doing things. It’s called efficiency. After all, it’s the logical way to do things and we’ve always done it that way and it works.The problem is that it’...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change frog champion like
Power Of Intergrity

Power Of Intergrity by: Sadjere Clement One of the most ofen forgotten word in our contemporary world today is-"INTERGRITY" This 9 letter word, though common but so powerful. Few individuals have been privileged to key-in to the intergrity netwo...

Online Business  online business intergrity wordself increase guaranteed
Who Has The Greatest Job In The World?

Who Has The Greatest Job In The World? by: Rev. James L. Snyder I have, in my opinion, the world's perfect job. Just look at the evidence. I love people and I love God. I love talking to people about God and I love talking to God about peop...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation snow cone greatest time nickel would
The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours by: Lynn Colwell "Your life is the sum of all the choices you make, consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that co...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life choosing pick
Miracles Are Your Responsibility!

Miracles Are Your Responsibility! by: John Di Lemme What does that mean? Simple… You have a responsibility to create miracles in your own life. The responsibility lies on your shoulders. You cannot blame anyone else,and you can’t look outs...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation create miracle responsibility letter must
Choose The Right Incense Burner

Choose The Right Incense Burner by: Jakob Jelling Incense and incense burners come in many different varieties. While incenses vary in essences and aromas, incense burners vary in materials and shapes. Not only the incense you choose will have a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation incense burner burners other
How to Give Yourself a Motivational Warm Up When You Wake Up

How to Give Yourself a Motivational Warm Up When You Wake Up by: Peter Murphy Question: What is the worst thing you can do when you start your day? Answer: Wake up feeling lethargic and expect yourself to perform at 100% from the moment you g...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation affirmations feeling morning
Career Search from Within

Career Search from Within by: Teresa Proudlove Seeking meaningful and fulfilling work can become a discouraging, confusing and overwhelming journey. Beware spending too much time looking for your answers outside of yourself. Ultimately, coming t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation voice slender work threads right
The Story of a King And Three Maidens - Six Keys to a Successful Relationship

The Story of a King And Three Maidens - Six Keys to a Successful Relationship by: Robin Mastro A King was trying to choose between three maidens to be his wife and queen. It was very difficult to judge since these women were all very intelligent...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation seeds maiden king relationships were
Medical Assistant Where are the Men?

Medical Assistant Where are the Men? by: Danni R.MALE OR FEMALE OCCUPATION?Study after study demonstrates that misconceptions about men in the medical assistant profession still abound.A study held in June 2003 revealed that male students made ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation medical assistant profession assisting misconceptions