8,393 articles on "self"

There's No Negative In My Program - Part 1

e's No Negative In My Program - Part 1 by: John ColanziImagine the what you could achieve if: You were 100 % focused on your goal Eliminated all self -doubt Believed it were impossible to fail.Are there really individuals who think like thi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation think amazing plane goal focused
Success wants to hug you

Hi to AllNOte: This advertisement is being given on the behalf of a beautiful lady called success. Hi, I am looking for a sincere person to hug and greet. It doesn't matter how you look or talk. You should be honest and sincere in your work to b...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation work honest sincere slave itaposs
The Final Authority

We will all answer to someone, be it foe or be it friend.But, I'm very happy to say, "We answer to God, in the end."While others are, much too busy, judging our own very life...God, in His mighty great wisdom, has a plan beyond sight.Though word...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation weaposll following
Use the Power of Affirmations to Enhance Your Life!

Probably all successful people use mental suggestions insome form. Very likely that's why they attained success.Few, however, have taken the time to develop their owncomprehensive personal set of powerful affirmations toenable them to enhance th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation iaposm life affirmations toward
Your Emotions Can Put You at-Risk for Alzheimer's

Still don’t believe anger kills, and stress ages you? In a recent study re: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) the psychological assessment included these questions: “I am not a worrier,” “I often feel tense and jittery,” and “I often get angry a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation memory stress episodic study psychological
Misdiagnosing Narcissism - Asperger's Disorder

(The use of gender pronouns in this article reflects the clinical facts: most narcissists and most Asperger's patients are male.)Asperger's Disorder is often misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), though evident as early a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation aspergeraposs narcissistic patient social narcissists
It's Your Life So Make the Most of It

Nathaniel Branden - It's Your Life So Make the Most of It One of the most important ingredients in your personal development is taking real responsibility for your actions. This requires that you consciously become the cause of the results that ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people responsible responsibility
What To Do When You Feel Stuck In A Life You Don’t Love

What To Do When You Feel Stuck In A Life You Don’t Love by: Melissa Quiter When you read the title of this article, did you immediately think, “That is me?” Does your life feel like you have two legs submerged in a pit of quicksand and the...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stuck there
Bobproctorsuccess: Exercise Your Mind With The Success Series

Most people would agree that the "essential" business success strategies are a combination of goal setting, a positive attitude, proper motivation, teamwork, high ideals, and hard, no, SMART work. In evaluating success strategies it seems to me that ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goals success mustout thereaposs
Let Go

Jesus implores, "Oh weak in faith, stop worrying. Your heavenly Father knows what you need." God's plan works. How has your plan been going so far? Align yourself with God's plan. The challenge is to not automatically fall victim to the w...

Religion  religion planself listen outcomes godaposs jesus over