41 articles on "soap"

Why Pure Natural Soap is Great for Your Health

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it protects you from many injuries and illnesses that would otherwise endanger your health. Once you place such importance on your skin, you should know that the type of soaps that you use to bathe can...

Health  health soap natural soaps skin such
Avoid Harsh Ingredients! Start Making Soaps!

You watch your diet and eat more organic fruits and vegetables. Are you also watching what you are putting on your skin everyday? Those beauty soap bars you have been using for years contain chemicals! No wonder you have been dosing yourself with moi...

Hobbies  hobbies skin soap soaps making commercial homemade
Essential Natural Cleaning Tools I Would Never Do Without

1. The multi-purpose spray. This is made from water and white vinegar in about 50:50 proportions, plus about 10 or more drops of tea tree essential oil. This spray gets used all the time for all sorts of home cleaning jobs. I use it for cleaning kitc...

Family  family cleaning soap soft cloths water
Getting Started In Candle And Soap Making

More people are taking an interest in candle and soap making than ever before. You can have a lot of fun making candle and soap but of course you need to know how to do it. Getting started in candle making will probably be your best bet as it is the ...

Hobbies  hobbies soap making ingredients fragrance candle want
Finding the Right Baby Soap

Baby SoapAren’t all soap the same, especially baby soap? Do you really need to look at which baby soap you use with your new born baby? Bath time can be worrisome enough for new parents with a new baby. Is the water too hot or too cold? How do I ho...

Family  family baby soap skin using
Discover How Fun Soap Making Is For You!

Soap making is a fun activity that people should try out. This gives you a chance to make soaps that you will have fun using when taking a bath. This activity requires creativity and innovation whenever you decide on a kind of soap to make. You can s...

Hobbies  hobbies soaps soap process method make
Important Substances Used In Soap Making

There are a variety of methods which can be used for soap making. The central process for creating bars of solid soap is the same for each technique, but there are disparities depending on the method used by the soap-maker. In all courses, the oil or...

Hobbies  hobbies soap making fats process usually from
Lateral Marketing & Small Business

Big businesses do it, and now small business owners are following the trend. No, I'm not talking about spokesmodels, endorsements, or catchy theme songs although certainly you could use those if you wish. What I am referring to is Lateral Marke...

Marketing  marketing soap business dish small items supplies
How to Have Great Looking Skin

How to Have Great Looking Skin by: Kim Beardsmore Great skin is something that nearly everyone can cultivate. Our skin is affected by our: Genes Inner nutrition - what we eat and drink Exercise General health and well-being Emotional healt...

Women  women skin moisturiser soap water will
Creative Soap Crafts

Soap is a craft that is fun and easy to make. It's a great project to do with your kids.Simply follow the instructions below and you'll be on your way to one of your first bars of soap..... where you choose all the soap colors and shapes. Y...

Family  family soap bowl choice water