7 articles on "soaps"

7 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Destructive Soap or Cleanser if You Have a Skin Problem.

Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and any other skin problems are irritated very easily by most soaps. As a former psoriasis sufferer I would estimate I tried at least 30 different soaps hoping that would cure my psoriasis. I later discovered I was wron...

Health  health skin psoriasis soaps soap
Soap Making! Ideal For Crafters!

If you love crafts then you know just how much fun it is to master a new and interesting project and how exciting it is when that project is complete, turning out better than you thought. It is even more exciting when the the new craft you start is m...

Hobbies  hobbies making soap soaps homemade hobby
7 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Destructive Soap or Cleanser if You Have a Skin Problem

7 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Destructive Soap or Cleanser if You Have a Skin Problem by: Michael Hrenko Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and any other skin problems are irritated very easily by most soaps. As a former psoriasis sufferer I wou...

Health  health skin soaps soap psoriasis
Easy Soap Making Heres How To Get Started!

It is easy to make soaps yourself as a hobby. If your wondering why you should get started, especially when there are already so many soaps available to buy? Then, one reason is that even the simplest soaps you see in supermarkets will cost you a lot...

Hobbies  hobbies ingredients soaps soap making
Why Pure Natural Soap is Great for Your Health

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it protects you from many injuries and illnesses that would otherwise endanger your health. Once you place such importance on your skin, you should know that the type of soaps that you use to bathe can...

Health  health soap natural soaps skin such
Avoid Harsh Ingredients! Start Making Soaps!

You watch your diet and eat more organic fruits and vegetables. Are you also watching what you are putting on your skin everyday? Those beauty soap bars you have been using for years contain chemicals! No wonder you have been dosing yourself with moi...

Hobbies  hobbies skin soap soaps making commercial homemade
Discover How Fun Soap Making Is For You!

Soap making is a fun activity that people should try out. This gives you a chance to make soaps that you will have fun using when taking a bath. This activity requires creativity and innovation whenever you decide on a kind of soap to make. You can s...

Hobbies  hobbies soaps soap process method make