232 articles on "social"

Internet Marketing and Your Old Age

Internet Marketing and Your Old Age by: A. Raymond Randall, Jr. Everybody wants to learn how to make money on the Internet. What about saving money for retirement and your future? If you don't do it, who will? Alan Greenspan, Chairman of th...

Business And Finance  business finance retirement security social saving contribute
Cash from Your Camera

If you are able to shoot great images then the world of social photography is almost a guarantee for success. But, what might you ask is social photography? It encompasses basically four areas of photography, wedding, portraiture/children, events and...

Hobbies  hobbies photography images areas competitive social basically
IPad Social Networking Applications

iPad is a sleek device. It is a flat computer with half an inch thickness. It is extremely handy device that you can put it in your palm as it weights only one and half pound. You can carry it in one hand and your another hand would be free to operat...

Computers And Internet  computers internet ipad social apps games networking
Culture War?

The principle headline in the Outlook section of this Sunday's Washington Post read: "The New Culture War", the subheading continued: "On one side, the forces of free enterprise. On the other, an expanding and paternalistic government. It's...

Government  government brooks happiness social state system people
Solving the Immigration Problem: Dropping Both Entitlements and Xenophobia

The issue of immigration has long been a hotly debated topic in the United States. The subject often invokes very heated discussions and raises a lot of emotions from different people and groups. Immigration has long been a sensitive topic, particul...

Government  government immigration immigrants solution social welfare foreign here
Samsung Offers Tocco Lite On Affordable Deals On Christmas

Samsung Offers Tocco Lite on Affordable Deals on Christmas As the holiday season approaches, Samsung has brought great news to its customers. The company is offering the Samsung Tocco Lite on affordable deals this Christmas season. The Samsung Tocc...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos mobile samsung smartphone lite tocco social offering

Two things in this world are sure and these are living and dying. The living part benefits of Social Security comprises of disability benefits, retirement benefits and Medicare Health Benefits. The death benefits of Social Security is embodied in its...

Legal  legal security social benefits member deceased survivor family credits
How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud

How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud by: Kazuyuki Omino When another person succeeds in using your credit information to commit credit fraud, it can cause a lot of hassle in your life. So how do you protect yourself. Here are a few tip...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card carry social security numbers statements
Choosing Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking is becoming extremely popular on the internet. With so many internet users today and so many wonderfully informative websites around, social bookmarking is a great way to get in touch with the websites that interest you without spe...

Site Promotion  site promotion social sites bookmarking popular
How To Learn From Social Bookmarking

What is Social Bookmarking? It is the process of saving bookmarks to Internet websites and tagging them so they can be found later. Tagging your bookmarks is associating different keywords so you and others can easily access and view them later. In ...

Site Promotion  site promotion social bookmarking bookmarks tagging they