232 articles on "social"

The Five Modalities of Optimum Health, Wealth, & Success

The Five Modalities of Optimum Health: Body, Mind, Spirit,Emotions, & the Overarch.Optimum health, wealth, and success, require peak performance, orfunctioning, in each of the five major layers of the Self – whatI have come to define in my Coaching...

Health  health social control pyramid whether
Who Has the Power to Control Business and Society?

By extending Webers social theory, Stone captures the essence of the traditional elitist-pluralist debate within what he calls a "social-control" paradigm. Within this paradigm, power is viewed as a matter of dominance, where the function of politics...

Online Business  online business control stone social society elite compliance
5 Simple Ways To Overcome Shyness

5 Simple Ways To Overcome Shyness by: Peter Murphy Even the most confident people have situations that cause them to be shy. Even famous personalities and very successful business people experience shyness at times. (if only they knew the best w...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation shyness people overcome social person
The Bingo Renaissance

The Bingo Renaissance by: John C. Thorenssen Little old ladies in slippers, playing for pennies and cents in a converted community hall is no longer the reality of bingo. The game has in recent years and now more than ever undergone a rebirth in...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports bingo game players popularity social
Short Sighted – Part of Prison Series

There are two major causes of crime in America today. One cause is professional lawmaking in government that passes new laws against previously legal behaviors, day after day, without ceasing. The second cause is lousy parenting, most especially in ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation society social costs punishment
Dokra Craft Metal Casting - Clarion Call For Novel Designs To Popularize Dhokra Art

Dokra craft at one point of time was very popular in the domestic markets among native buyers. But with the passage of time, just like other Indian handicrafts, Dokra craft started witnessing a decline in demand and sales and it was well on its way t...

Education  education dokra social craft handicrafts indian well
Sex or Gender - Part II

The Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 edition describes the formation of ovaries and testes thus:"In the young embryo a pair of gonads develop that are indifferent or neutral, showing no indication whether they are destined to develop into testes or ovari...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation gender women male social behavior identity
Effective Web Hosting for Social Media Sites

Social media websites are a relevant and a crucial aspect of Web surfacing in all parts of the world. The social media networking websites of today require only the most accommodating and innovative Web hosting. Because social media, podcast, forum w...

Web Development  development social media campaigns websites campaign content
The Graying of America

Here are some facts about a quiet revolution that will change the fabric of this nation, according to the National Institute on Aging:One American turns 50 every 7.5 seconds.One in 6 Americans will be 65 or older by the year 2020, with an estimated 7...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation social older elderly live
Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life

Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life by: Peter Murphy In spite of many academic and professional accomplishments, many people still feel uncomfortable in social situations. Millions of people become anxious and insecure when s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation social skills improving communicate positive