3 articles on "tampon"

What is a typical menstrual period like?

During the menstrual period, the thickened uterine lining and extra blood are shed through the vaginal canal. A womans period may not be the same every month, and it may not be the same as other womens periods. Periods can be light, moderate, or heav...

Health  health periods period irregular menstrual tinnitus days tampons
What is a typical menstrual period like?

During the menstrual period, the thickened uterine lining and extra blood are shed through the vaginal canal. A womans period may not be the same every month, and it may not be the same as other womens periods. Periods can be light, moderate, or heav...

Health  health periods period irregular menstrual tinnitus days tampons
The Deal With Feminine Hygiene

The Deal With Feminine Hygiene by: Oneil Wilson With puberty, comes great responsibility. What with all the changes – including the way your body looks and the way it smells – happening during this exciting phase in your life! There’s not...

Health  health pads tampon come