The last thing you would think about when you are taking a nice, refreshing shower is, "Am I jeopardizing my health"?Chlorine is used by many municipalities to disinfect their water supply.Unfortunalely, according to many health experts, chlorine has...
Health health chlorine shower water skin worryEat Fiber and Avoid Constipation by: Rudy Silva To have regular bowel movements and escape constipation you need to eat more fiber. Fiber from raw vegetable and fruits is better for you than fiber from grains. Why? Raw vegetables and fruits are ...
Health health fiber colon water stools beansHawaii snorkeling is a fun activity available to almost anyskill level of swimmer, where you can discover abreathtaking array of Hawaii's most exotic sea life a fewyards from shore. Colorful coral, lava flows, turtles andmore than 700 species of...
Travel And Leisure travel leisure snorkeling hawaii donapost waters safe maui beachFor the human body to function well, it should be fed a good balance of vitamins and nutrients. There are three primary macronutrients which we consume namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Without these, our body won't be able to function pro...
Health health water alkaline blood dietaryWater heaters are one of the most commonly used appliances by many householders. They are particularly helpful in storing and heating an amount of water. Hot water is required for both household and business purposes. The primary function of a typi...
Home Improvement home improvement water heaters type heating tank system usuallyKeeping a basement dry is a challenge. Some homeowners never have a problem with basement moisture or outright leaks while others live in areas of the country that are prone to basement problems. A finished basement is an investment worth protecting ...
Family family basement moisture water repair walls wallWastewater treatment is an absolutely necessary step before disposing of waste and water. It reduces the threat of spreading disease and is a key component of environmental stewardship, smart growth, and energy recovery. But how does wastewater treat...
Environment environment wastewater waste water treatment property sewage consultThere are many types of filtration systems that are available to the home aquarium enthusiast. All will work by chemical, mechanical or biological processes. In fact, most will combine two or more of these elements. One such type of filtration system...
Pets And Animals pets animals aquarium filter water undergravel filtration tankDiet Sodas Drinkers: Are You Dehydrated? by: Kim Beardsmore Many of us have grown up drinking caffeinated diet sodas as an alternative to sugary regular sodas. We figure this is a better choice rather than loading ourselves (and our children&apo...
Health health water sodas result drinking skinHow To Kitesurf by: Jakob Jelling You have been bitten by the KiteSurfing bug, you can’t wait to hit the first current to propel your body screaming 40-feet into the air and crashing into the water. With each gusts of wind your elevated high o...
Recreation And Sports recreation sports kite launch water feet