828 articles on "write"

Publicizing Your Company

Publicizing Your Company by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Got a huge need for publicity and a tiny publicity budget? You don’t need to have a Madison Avenue-sized advertising budget to make your name known. Here are five ideas to help you promote yo...

Business And Finance  business finance company write publicity local
Writing for the Gaming Industry

ing for the Gaming Industry by: Melissa K. Brewer Several months ago, I worked on an interesting project for a client looking to break into writing music for the video game industry. As the project progressed, I found myself fascinated with the ...

Writing  writing game video industry writers games development
How Are You Plotting

Creative Writing Tips –Writing is a creative process and how every writer chooses to create, is individual to them. Likewise, with plotting, every writer plots at a level they are comfortable with.Some just plot the bare essentials. They have a fir...

Writing  writing story plot write idea
Deadlines Can Be A Writer's Best Friend

Deadlines Can Be A Writer's Best Friend by: Bonnie Boots I click the "send" button on my e-mail and my article is instantly transmitted to a magazine. Minutes later, I have a reply from the editor. It reads "Snappy writing and five days bef...

Writing  writing writer editors deadline writers
Making A Living As A Ghost Writer

It takes a special kind of writer to be a ghost writer. They spend their writing careers out of the public's eye and rarely, if ever, get a chance to bask in the spotlight of their fans. In fact, their fans rarely know of their existence. Many g...

Writing  writing writer work ghostwriters
How to Make the Most of Your Website Copywriter

How to Make the Most of Your Website Copywriter by: Glenn MurrayMany people feel uncertain when dealing with copywriters. Like any artform, writing is subjective; instead of black and white, most business owners and marketing managers see indist...

Computers And Internet  computers internet copywriter search benefits engines
How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First-Time

“If you want to change your life,” Harry Beckwith wrote in The Invisible Touch, “write a book.” But, writing a book can also be tremendously frustrating and unrewarding. Following are the 11 biggest reasons most first-time authors fail to rec...

Marketing  marketing book writing readers titles publishers write
How to explode Blog Traffic!!!

Rule #1. Write an article on "how to explode blog traffic !!!"Rule #2. Read onTo be very frank there are quite a bit of so called tried and tested ways to increase you blog traffic, but these merely focus on increasing hits on your blog, but do not ...

Marketing  marketing blog people search write traffic
Why Stock Support

Why Stock Support?By William CatePublished April 1999[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]If investors won't buy your stock, you'll never find an...

Business And Finance  business finance stock support company underwriter share
Marketing a Professional Practice Free Through Writing

Since I'm a writer and a coach, I grow my coaching practice by writing; it gets my name around, establishes my expertise, promotes my services and also the field of coaching.Always do your marketing in areas that you love! It works best.Writing ...

Marketing  marketing topic love write book theory article