If you want to increase your sales then you must get your prospect really excited about your offer. Not just your product or service but the whole package of benefits they'll receive by being your customer. There's a whole bunch of ideas yo...
Marketing marketing benefits excited prospects writeMany freelance writers, who write full-time, will agree that to survive within the publishing world, there are constant pressures to seek out new publishing outlets and to continually strive for the regular publication of new articles.To the outsider...
Writing writing writers time life write freelanceTrade Writing - for Cash! by: Angela Butera Dickson Often considered as “plain Jane’s” of the print world, trade magazines prove that there is more to a market than just a pretty face. Trade magazines are written for a specialized audience...
Business And Finance business finance magazines trade markets market writersThe Five Rules Of Influential Web Writing by: Robert WarrenBuilding a professional reputation requires a campaign founded on your words: the positions you endorse, the motions you advocate, the accuracy of your vision. Writing for the Web can ei...
Marketing marketing write donapost reader online informationTimer Magic for Writers by: Katey Coffing, Ph.D.If your writing muscle isn't in shape, writing a novel may seem like a sheer, unscalable cliff. ("Gee, I don't think I can write today. I left my climbing shoes in my other backpack...") ...
Writing writing timer time youaposll fifteen minutes writeYou can contribute significantly to your business' success by developing your writing skills. If you're operating a business, eventually you will be required to write a business document. It could be a business letter, a business proposal, ...
Writing writing business written tense writeAre you ready to abandon your poems? Before you toss your newest poem away, revisit it using some exercises that have proven helpful to poets who are feeling “stuck.” If you explore some of these ideas, you may be steps closer to placing your poe...
Writing writing poem poetry write poets poet evenScreenwriting is a competitive trade. To distinguish yourself as a prize-winning writer you need to master organizational skills, take creative risks, and learn how best to present your final product. For the aspiring screenwriter, Tom Lazarus' ...
Writing writing script screenplay lazarus studio writersFreelancer writers tend to develop something of a superior attitude at times. Some of us feel that we are a cut above our brothers and sisters who work as employees.But the truth is, working as a freelancer is not for everyone. Working on your own i...
Business And Finance business finance working work writers freelance thereDon't Wait For The Perfect Situation To Pay Down Your Debt. by: David Wilding The number one reason people don’t get out of debt is they don’t try. This may apply to you. You want to, but never seem to do it. You put it off for ...
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