828 articles on "write"

Review In 29 Steps Plus One

Review In 29 Steps Plus One by: Gianfranco Cazzaro - I just finished to read a book. A story for kids (yes, I like them), interesting, told with participation and sometimes irony. Which is the problem, then? Simple, if the author have been rea...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation book characters days write
How to Be an Editor's First Choice

How to Be an Editor's First Choice by: Mridu Khullar There are writers who editors like, and those they’d bet their careers on. How can you be that writer who the editor will call on every time she needs an important assignment to be done...

Writing  writing editor writers editors
Incredibly Bad Articles Will Kill Your Credibility

Incredibly Bad Articles Will Kill Your Credibility by: Dean Phillips I've noticed a disturbing trend recently of articles suggesting that people write articles to send traffic to their websites, and enhance their credibility. In theory, the...

Writing  writing articles write publishers
Reality about Article Exchange

Reality about Article Exchange, by: Rich BrunelleI recently read an article regarding websites and considerations writers should take when selecting sites to submit their written works to. And, as I believe that a good deal of the Internet Community ...

Online Business  online business article writer sites writers work
Negotiating Right Get What you Deserve

If magazine publishing worked like any other business, writers would fix their rates, and magazines would run around trying to hire the best writer in the lowest possible cost. Sadly, that’s not the case. In this bizarre business, writers trying t...

Writing  writing editor writers
Travel Writing

Travel Writing could be called the ultimate dream job. Imagine traveling the world and getting paid to tell about your experiences … or sharing your favorite local spots with readers across the country …. or even being offered special treatment a...

Writing  writing travel writer freelance magazine some
Succeeding in the Business of Freelance Writing

Succeeding in the Business of Freelance Writing  by: Amber McNaught Something that's always surprised me about the freelance writing business is just how many writers there are out there who don't seem to realize that they're runn...

Writing  writing freelance business writers
Ten Tips on Writing and Creativity

Ten Tips on Writing and Creativity by: Emily Hanlon 1. Don't think. Creating a story or book has little to do with the intellect or language when we first begin. Our best ideas will emerge as a spark or image. Like dreams, they will make li...

Writing  writing creativity donapost write learn creative
Sharpen Your Writing With Structure

Sharpen Your Writing With Structure by: Robert WarrenAt some point, every serious writer is forced to sit down and conclude that there is something seriously wrong with their work. It wanders; it is pretty in some spots and horribly ugly in othe...

Business And Finance  business finance writing structure piece write order
Beat the Block with a Journal

Beat the Block with a Journal by: Mridu Khullar It’s nearing the end of summer, and I have no credentials to my benefit these holidays. As the end of the holidays approach, I keep wondering what I have to show for the summer other than the not...

Writing  writing journal write time about