OK, I admit it. I've developed a great fascination with and respect for Internet marketers. The good ones, at least.If you subscribe to any marketing ezines, you become familiar with their names soon enough. Terry Dean, Yanik Silver, John Colanz...
Writing writing internet marketers writersAre you looking for an independent writer for your work? A good professional Freelance writer can be hard to find. Whenever you find the best one, you should hold on to her or him. Good Freelance article writers are in high demand and also have the ...
Marketing marketing work freelance writer goodDance With Words: A new Writers Portal for the experienced and the amateur writer by: Margot Van Sluytman Are you a writer looking for a great place to share stories, experiences, to communicate with other creative souls? And individual who wish...
Writing writing words wwwdance dance poetry writers margoting Made Them Rich #4: Paulo Coelho by: Michael Southon Paulo Coelho was born on August 24th 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At age 17 he announced his intention to be a writer. It was a decision bitterly opposed by his parents, partly because ...
Writing writing coelho time writer coelhoaposs internationalWhether you are in business or in the PR profession, you have been taught that the way to disseminate publishable information is by using the press (or news) release. Companies with good intentions do it, and public relations firms do it. The practic...
Marketing marketing writers writer editor story specific publicationsCompetition in today's job market is fierce. Positions that used to attract just a few resumes are now attracting hundreds or even thousands. As a new immigrant, you face an additional hurdle of ensuring Canadian employers see the value that you...
Writing writing resume professional industry writers employerIntroduction It is often thrown around loosely on the web that "Content is king." If content is king, then what is a content writer? Unfortunately, we are not yet royalty. We're never paid as well or considered as skilled as a web designer or ou...
Writing writing content readers writers onlineWhen I sit down to write an article for my ezine, WriteSuccess,and draw a blank as to what to write about, I reread my ezine's mission statement for guidance: "Ideas, information and inspiration for writers who want to launch and/or maintain SUC...
Writing writing discipline writers talent afterWHILE Luddites toll the death knell for books, we who have made thetransition to “new media” look to the future with confidence.The Internet does not spell the end of the written word but the beginning offresh opportunities and renewed status for...
Writing writing sites writers doesGoogle.com, one of the web's hottest search engines, has indexed over 1,346,966,000 web pages to date. The World Wide Web is officially gigantic, with hundreds of thousands of corporate, small business, and ecommerce websites vying for something...
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