Guitar Players...Get a Balanced Practice Diet by: Craig Bassett Do you have a wide variety of things that you practice. Or do you like to binge? (You know...the type of player who practices sweep picking for a kazillion hours a day but only know...
Recreation And Sports recreation sports practice things time write willAdvertising is expensive. PR is often low cost or free.Try these ten tips for attracting free PR to your business. But here is a word of caution. When sending press releases to the media, remember that less is more. The journalist who encounters a pr...
Business And Finance business finance local media press write releaseNeed a Book Coach, Ghost Writer, or Editor? Part 1 by: Judy Cullins If you either want to write a book to help others create a better life and boost business or you already have your book nearly finished, you may need book coaching to answer all...
Writing writing book write donapost editor willThe Gospel of Writing According to Marilyn, Chapter 7: Ninety-five percent of Writing is Just Showing Up If I were to ask each of you why you haven't written a book, I'm guessing the most common answer would be that there doesn't seem...
Writing writing write novel timeKiller Ad Copy by: Phil BastenNot everyone is a writer. Good copy writing is a science and can be learned over time. Great copy writing is an art and should problably remain in the hands of those who can craft it well. Words have power.They can ...
Site Promotion site promotion sales writer needPublishing Guidelines: Feel free to publish the following article in its entirety in your ezine, website, or print newsletter. The resource box must be included with an active link. Please send a courtesy copy of the publication in which the article ...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation write writing child article letter sendWhen The Writer Is Dead by: Tushar Jain Imagine – the sun pouring in, the fingers feeding in on the typewriter, a turgid film of sweat on the gristly brow, a tackling writer milling in the temerity to finish a single draft, 700 words or maybe ...
Writing writing writer reader wordsOvercome Writers Block with Snake Dancing by: Judy CullinsWriters block! Even columnist Dave Berry has it. He admits that at least 30 times a day when writing his humor column, he gets up from his computer to sip his Pepsi and to divert his atte...
Writing writing book write donapost likeBreaking Writer's BlockThe most fearsome enemy to any writer, attacking without warning, without predjudice and without compassion, is (gasp, dare I say it?) WRITER’s BLOCK. I feel a bit like Harry Potter speaking Voldermort’s name aloud to ...
Writing writing writeout block bookThe revolution of the internet has brought opportunities for many that wanted to make a difference in their lives. It doesn’t cost much to launch a business as it would in the offline world. The coverage is enormous and your target audience is easi...
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