1,396 articles about "renting"

Symptoms of Teenage Drug Abuse - What Should a Parent Be on the Lookout For?

Are you worrying that your child might be a victim of drugs? Do you have reason to suspect that your child is a prohibited drug user? Or worst of all, is your child actually peddling drugs to others to finance his or her habit? If you've answere...

Parenting  parenting child drugs drug behavior will
5 Key Indicators You Need Help With The Terrible Two's

Just learning the rules of parenting is hard enough! Outside of health scares, pretty much the first major challenge parents face is when their beloved toddler enters the Terrible Two's stage! Sometimes like a flick of a switch or other times, ...

Parenting  parenting toddler time help
Fun At Home With Mum?

I am a first time mum, a bit of a late starter on the family front. When I was pregnant my husband and I discussed that I would stay at home with baby until he was two. I was so excited with my misty eyed, airbrushed idea of being a stay at home mum....

Parenting  parenting baby stay
Childrens Books

Getting your child to read can be a challenge. I will offer some insight on how to approach this. Many parents have to deal with this issue at some point while raising their children. I have been confronted on several occasions as to how to get a ch...

Parenting  parenting read reading child interest
Friends Are A Gift You Give Yourself

Friends Are A Gift You Give Yourself by: Skye Thomas My oldest boy is fifteen and was a real jerk about a month ago. He had gotten pretty full of himself and acted like he was too cool for the rest of the family. Pretty typical teenager behavior...

Parenting  parenting friends family them
How To Help Your Child Learn

How To Help Your Child Learn by: Barbara White Just as every snowflake is unique, so is every child. The way that your child learns depends a number of different factors, which combined together, create his unique learning style. By helping your...

Parenting  parenting learning style child picture some
Getting My Child The Additional Help In School He Or She Needs

Getting My Child The Additional Help In School He Or She Needs by: Noel Swanson The British government promised "that a child with special educational needs should have their needs met" (sec. 1.3, SEN Code of Practice, 2001). Even though it&apos...

Parenting  parenting school needs child
Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching children about money is a key responsibility of mums and dads around the world. The earlier parents educate their children about money the more chance they won't fall into the credit trap many face today. Our economy works primarily on ...

Parenting  parenting money children teach them
10 Positives For Using Baby Sign Language

Picture the scene: Your lovely little bundle of one-year-old goodness wants something, and he seems to want it quite desperately, but you have no idea what it is! He can't be hungry because he was fed a short time ago. The lovely gargling noise ...

Parenting  parenting baby signing language
Seven Golden Rules For Separating Parents

The turmoil children go through when their parents are separating is unmeasurable. Not only are they facing the prospect of everything they've ever known being ripped apart, but they often question their own role in the break-up. Ever watched a ...

Parenting  parenting child rule parents