1,396 articles about "renting"

Does Your Teen Need to Go to Boot Camp?

Who'd be a parent today? Teenagers can be just the most difficult of human beings. Of course that's not true of all kids as many teens do their parents proud and turn out as capable and decent adults. But you don't need to look too ha...

Parenting  parenting teen they
101 Gift Ideas For All Occasions

101 Gift Ideas For All Occasions by: H Porter People have forgotton about the meaning behind gifting, in a consumer driven society we are often pushed towards competing e.g. upstaing gifts and my gifts better than yours. Lets go back to basics, ...

Parenting  parenting kids
Tips for Baby-Proofing Your Home

There’s never a bad time to baby-proof your home, but parents who plan to do it should get it done before their child starts crawling. Childproofing your home involves looking at it in a new way. Some household items you use frequently will need to...

Parenting  parenting child baby children water them
Is A Baby Allowed To Play In Its First Month?

Is A Baby Allowed To Play In Its First Month? by: Amy Fadden What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things you could do, but what most pregnant women rarely do is having a vacation. Get a life and try to relax a little bit. Or take a...

Parenting  parenting time baby will
Moms - Get More Energy Now

Moms - Get More Energy Now by: Frank McGinty Let's be honest! When it comes to parenting, men expect their wives or partners to do the lion's share. There are signs that we're moving toward a more enlightened age in which ALL par...

Parenting  parenting time kids family some
Babylicious Baby Clothes Designed In Aotearoa Are Printed With Identifiable NZ Icons

You'll always treasure your child's Babylicious baby clothing. When you see the tiny socks and hat even after your child has grown past them, you'll always feel warm inside. Many people even decide to bronze these first baby shoes. Bri...

Parenting  parenting baby babylicious dress month
What Exactly Are You Teaching Kids About Money?

Remember the old song by Paul Simon that says when he thinks back on all the "junk" he learned in school, he's surprised he can still even think? How much did your school learning, prepare you for the rest of your life? You need to teach your ch...

Parenting  parenting money when
Enmeshed Parenting

"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you." Kahlil Gibran Symptoms of enmeshed parenting:...

Parenting  parenting children them
7 Tips for Getting Your Children Unplugged

Have you noticed that your kids are becoming more attached than ever to television, video games and texting? And the season doesn't seem to matter. During summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it's easy to turn to ele...

Parenting  parenting time children
Raising Kids

All parents will want to do the best for their children but how do you know if you are an effective parent? Regardless of whether you are a new parent or that you have a few children, parenting might not come easy for everybody and there might also b...

Parenting  parenting child