1,396 articles about "renting"

Soul Mate - a Pain in the Neck

Soul Mate - a Pain in the Neck by: Nisandeh Neta"and they lived happily ever after...That is how our favorite childhood fairytales have always ended.That is how the romantic movies from Hollywood always end.And that is what the media agencies ad...

Parenting  parenting life when
Wise Ways To Discipline

Wise Ways To Discipline by: Terri Hardwick First of all there are some very important factors to consider for discipline to work well. Without them, your efforts to effectively teach your children will ultimately fail. 1. INFLUENCE: You cannot ...

Parenting  parenting children child
The Truth About Giving Advice

The Truth About Giving Advice by: Paul M. Jerard Jr. All of us want to help, protect, and shield our children from life’s daily disappointments. How can we give constructive advice, to a child, without being remembered as one of their worst cr...

Parenting  parenting time children child
3 Parenting Styles And Their Effect On The Social Behavior Of Children

What type of parent are you? Beginning with studies in the 1960s, 3 parenting styles have emerged to help understand and explain the behavior and development of children. Observing the impact that parents have on child development has been a fascina...

Parenting  parenting children parents behavior
Child Locator Devices - Know Where Your Kids Are When They Are Not With You

With the world we live in these days, knowing your children are safe is imperative for any parent. One of the most effective ways to do that is by using child locator devices. These devices have been designed to help parents everywhere keep track of...

Parenting  parenting child
Parents Ever Wondered How Kids Can Make Money

Teaching your children to handle money properly involves teaching them that money must be worked for and earned. When children have to work for their money, they appreciate it and the things it can buy a lot more than if cash is handed out to them wi...

Parenting  parenting money kids children some
Are Your Kids Safe Online?

You try your best to make sure that your children are safe when they are in your midst. You make sure that they put on a warm jacket in winter, that they come home at a reasonable hour and that they eat healthy diets. But do you really know what your...

Parenting  parenting internet kids online children
Practical Ways To Introduce Your Baby To Water

When in the water, whether it is at the pool or at the beach, safety should be your number one priority.This safety is especially important when it comes to children. There should always be an adult with them in the water , but there should be every ...

Parenting  parenting baby water very
Is It Okay to Spoil Your Kids?

Is It Okay to Spoil Your Kids? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. None of us want “spoiled” kids - kids who are bratty, self-centered, demanding, inconsiderate. So, what spoils children and what doesn’t? When I was raising my children, I was often t...

Parenting  parenting children love when
How to Teach Anger Management to Your Child

How to Teach Anger Management to Your Child by: Paul M. Jerard Jr. Most of us recognize the continuing escalation of violence around us, due to intolerance, and many of us blame it on somebody else. Parents teach their children, all the time, an...

Parenting  parenting child children time