1,396 articles about "renting"

Ten ways to Become Best Friends with Your Teenagers

Ten ways to Become Best Friends with Your Teenagers by: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed. Best friends! It may seem impossible to believe, but today’s teens do want to consider their parents as friends, even though they think we could never understan...

Parenting  parenting will
Disciplining The Terrible Two's - Time Outs or Smacking?

Raising a child or raising children is not easy - what an understatement! Not only will your children give you unlimited love, joy and happiness, they will also give you your fair share of grief, worry, anguish and let's be honest at times they ...

Parenting  parenting children child
How Parents Can Win the Battle To Keep Your Child Safe From Strangers This Holiday Season

How Parents Can Win the Battle To Keep Your Child Safe From Strangers This Holiday Season by: Michelle Annese When we think of Holiday shopping, we think of all the glowing lights at our area malls and the various eye-catching decorations in sho...

Parenting  parenting child children they
You Are Your Child's First Teacher

You Are Your Child's First Teacher by: Rose DesRochers How much thought have you given to your child’s future? In three years, my daughter will be eighteen. Most likely, she will be leaving home at this time, and on her way to college. I ...

Parenting  parenting children them
Teach Kids About Money For The Future

If you are going to teach kids about money you must first realize that this is going to be important to how they choose to look at money in the future. Basically how they are able to learn now is how they will work with money when they are adults. So...

Parenting  parenting money kids about
A Minute Can Turn into Hours for the Child of a Work-at-Home Mom

A Minute Can Turn into Hours for the Child of a Work-at-Home Mom by: Patricia Gatto In theory, working at home is an ideal situation. But in reality, it's difficult to balance the needs of your family with the needs of your clients. Phones,...

Parenting  parenting time business child home