3,520 articles about "develop"

Hosting your e-business for free Smart thinking Johnny...

Yes, there are dozens of websites on the internet that offer free web hosting solutions, but before you place important information on Geocitiesor Freewebs, there's something you must understand:Trusting your online name to a free web-host is a...

Web Development  development hosts domain severly less
How to Build and Make Your Own Website

Perhaps the biggest mistake a webmaster can make is failing to perform a competitive analysis before building the website. I have encountered many creative entrepreneurs who have spent countless hours designing a beautiful web page that no one can fi...

Web Development  development search engines business keywords related
How to Choose Stock Photography for your Web Site

So you’ve decided to take the plunge. You know that stock photography is an effective tool for your web business, but where do you start and how do you choose the stock photo that’s right for you. Here are some tips to get you started so that you...

Web Development  development image photography need
eCommerce Web Design Solutions

eCommerce web design is a lot more than just putting your company brochure on the net or adding an internet shopping cart to your existing product catalog. There are some fundamental differences between doing business online and doing business the tr...

Web Development  development design business generate tools traffic
The Next Marketing Tool Design

Design sells. It’s something that all of us know, but few of us consciously acknowledge. There is an age old adage that warns people not to “judge books by their cover.” In other words, we shouldn’t judge people or products by their appearanc...

Web Development  development design cell phones ipod
Does The Color of Your Site Matter

You are driving your car through a rural area, enjoying the countryside. At some point you come to an intersection in the road. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a green stop sign. Do you stop or drive right through the intersection?Chances are,...

Web Development  development color colors blue
Quality Web Site Language

Well written web sites don't just happen, they are designed and engineered. You don't just run the spell checker through the text and consider the job done. You need to review the words, and examine them carefully. Put yourself in the place...

Web Development  development words language formal translation
Bad Web Design Advertising Mistakes

Okay, we know we all need to pay the bills. I know that many of us want toget traffic to our web sites. And some of us just want to make enough moneyto pay for our costs so that this thing we love to do is free.But, come on, that doesn't mean yo...

Web Development  development advertisements sites
Extracting Color Functions

Colors are as powerful as words. It can communicate though without the use of words. It can be as welcoming as a smile yet can be rude as a smirk. We have different perceptions about colors. They can tend to affect our emotions, memories, imagination...

Web Development  development colors color blue
The Power of Topical Search Engines

What are Topical Search Engines?Simply put, topical search engines are search engines focused on a specific industry, sector or topic. While many marketers are scrambling for links, any links, an area that is often overlooked is topic-specific search...

Web Development  development search engines specific engine traffic targeted topic