3,520 articles about "develop"

Quick Questions to Ask a Web Designer

Quick Questions to Ask a Web DesignerFinding the right web designer can be difficult so I have listed a few useful questions which you can ask while on your search.1. What is your experience in website design?Experience is based on actual ability rat...

Web Development  development designer design time
The Zulu Principle

The Zulu PrincipleQuote :"I first named this approach 'The Zulu Principle' after my wife read a four page article on Zulus in the reader's digest. From then on she new more than me about Zulus....After six months study she would have ...

Web Development  development niche money investment
Attention grabbing web design will kill your sales!

In the of-line marketing world it is all about trying to get theattention of the potential consumers to a commercial message.The primary goal is to get noticed by the public.It doesn't matter if it is for radio, TV, magazines, newspapersor poste...

Web Development  development attention they
Using Tables as a Strategic Sales Tool

Why Tables?Tables have helped me to do the following while designing my website:1. Establish organization.2. Create sections on my web pages that are neat and uniform.3. Build a unique sales presentation with direction.With tables, I've been abl...

Web Development  development table pixels will
How's Your Sense of Style

No, I'm not referring to your wardrobe here, but to cascading style sheets, also known as CSS. Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, it allows webmasters to separate site layout from the design. CSS is actually a standard for controlling t...

Web Development  development font pages like
Building Printer Friendly Pages

Your site looks like it's working perfectly. You've tested itwith several different browsers under various resolutions. TheHTML complies with the standards and your CSS is impeccable.Even if all of the above statements are accurate, everyth...

Web Development  development font itaposs color
How to Transfer Your Web Site to Another Host Without Losing It

You want to change web hosts because you have found a lessexpensive solution for your web site. You are not happy with theservices your host is providing. The response time for technicalsupport is too slow. You make the decision to change web hosts. ...

Web Development  development host name files transfer domain
Flash Design Is it all it's cracked up to be

INTRODUCTIONWhen Flash was first introduced by FutureWave Inc. in August 1996,it was known as "FutureSplash Animator." Macromedia acquiredFutureWave in December and renamed the application to "Flash."What made FutureSplash unique was the fact that Fu...

Web Development  development flash they
Web Site Design How To Get Around

Our web site (Internet Tips and Secrets - http://www.internet-tips.net/ ) runs an awards program which gets as many as fifty submissions a week. That means we visit each of those fifty sites each and every week to determine if they measure up to the ...

Web Development  development navigation visitors they

Have you heard yourself saying, "I don't understand? I havea gorgeous site, a really cutting-edge splash page with aflash introduction, up-to-date technology, I paid a smallfortune for this site, and I'm getting plenty of hits butno one is ...

Web Development  development design graphic business