3,520 articles about "develop"

10 Ways to Exceed Your Client's Expectations Every Time!

The following tips are just a few of the things I do as examplesof setting my service apart from the crowd. In general, theweakest areas in the Internet Marketing and Web Developmentbusiness, are "Customer Communications" and "Customer Service.”Set...

Web Development  development client search customer
Getting Listed and staying Listed In Search Engines

Creating High Ranking Search engine results is not a game, although many companies try to fool the search engines and make it one.Search engines are very completive and, it seems, everyone wants to know the latest tricks or secret. Forget all that.CO...

Web Development  development search engines article keyword content will
Basics of web hosting and what to look for

First Things FirstAfter deciding that you are going to have a website, you need two things, a domain name and a company to host it for you. Domain names are fairly cheap, you can go to www.godaddy.com where they sell them for $9.00 a year or sometime...

Web Development  development host will
Stepping Into Your Client’s Shoes

Have you ever sat down and really spent some time surfing through your own company website? Are there any broken links? Are you happy with the functionality and the graphical interface? Is it easy to navigate and find the services that you are lookin...

Web Development  development time customers make
What is a content management system and Why do i need one

This article introduces content management systems and gives an overview of their features and benefits. It should be read by anyone unsure of quite what a CMS can do for them. What is a CMS? A content management system is a piece of software that al...

Web Development  development content cmsapos
The 25 Deadly Sins For Your Internet Marketing Website

Content Is KING! If you create a website, be sure to have valuable content you can offer. Try to find facts which cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. It can be a lot of hard work, but if you candeliver unique content, you will certainly ha...

Web Development  development links content pages
A Tale Of Two Sites

There are only two kinds of sites on the Internet:1. Informational2. SalesOf course, that is a gross exaggeration and over generalizesthe landscape of the Internet, but it will be useful for thisarticle. We want to talk about how you can take any sit...

Web Development  development sales sites about
Your Web Copy is Too Skimpy to Work!

Almost every day I hear from somebody with a web site that isn'tselling well. "Can you please take a look and let me know whatwe're doing wrong?" they ask. Sometimes their product isn't verygood. Other times their price is wrong. But m...

Web Development  development product read
How To Make Your Site Visitors Do What You Want Them To Do!

Quick! hink about your website. If I were to pop out of yourscreen in the next few seconds and ask you why you've got one,and what its purpose is, would you be able to tell me on the spot?Every site has a purpose, and every site owner has a goal...

Web Development  development store
Should you Purchase a Turnkey Site or Build Your Own

You see them all the time, pre-packaged websitesselling everything from acorns to zinc. Most of themhave a nice professional look about them, with goodpictures and graphics. Of course, the sales literaturewith the offer telling you how you're g...

Web Development  development sales them