883 articles on "government"

The Port Fiasco - It's a GOP Trick

The quarterback drops back to pass and he fakes handing off to the fullback. While the onrushing tacklers go for the fullback the quarterback sneaks to the outside and hits the left uncovered tight end with the game winning Hail Mary pass to win the ...

Government  government quarterback john party kerry game fullback
A Lesson in Sustainability

Scientists are currently conducting a study on loblolly pines. The study utilizes a ring of carbon dioxide generators that surrounds patches of these trees. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of an increase of CO2 in the air on these...

Government  government trees study dioxide carbon
Highest Law...conclusion

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270… Pastor Terry Dashner…Higher Law seriesLesson Three “Evolution of Inalienable Rights”A conclusion…“The Dawning of a New Day”History is divided into three par...

Government  government calvin faith geneva america church into
Top 10 Good Bills in Congress

There are some things that the House of Representatives are trying accomplish that should be supported in my opinion. Here is a hotlist of good legislation that is on the books. These are not the only good things that could be done, and new legislat...

Government  government legislation public states official accountability bill
SCOGOSTOLOGY-POLITICALOGY: Jewish Support Crucial For Obama's Nomination And Victory In General Election

OBAMANISM IS THE CURE FOR CLINTONITIS AND MIDDLE EAST STRIFE. Obamanism is the cure for Clintonitis that has devastated America and I hope Jews all over US rally around Obama and support him to win both the nomination and the Presidency because afte...

Government  government jews africa african today
Government Buying And Selling On The Internet

Government Buying And Selling On The Internet by: Christina DeMers Global Insight, a leading economic and financial forecasting company, (formerly DRI-WEFA), states that all levels of government (federal, state, and local) should see steady incr...

Business And Finance  business finance government procurement agencies vendors
Reflecting Independence

F F C…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270…Pastor Terry Dashner“A Beautiful Declaration”We the people…We are the people of the United States of America. We’ve come from every kindred, tribe, and nation to this nation—one ...

Government  government independence declaration nation united states americas
In the Image of Our Political Inheritance

"Instrumental rationality," understood as the studies and techniques that support the rational/ economic planning of society, have their place: they guide, to a good and honest degree, the implementation of public policy; and, rightfully so. Particul...

Government  government rationality policies public political
Franklin Roosevelt Fascist Policies

Franklin Roosevelt fascist policies prolonged a recovery from the 1930's depression until it was twice as long as any in history. The same policies that FDR tried and failed at are being carried out in Washington today. Just like President Obama...

Government  government gold roosevelt depression franklin
Venezuela: Environment and Economy

Huge wealth inequality is a major feature of Venezuelan society. This continues to undermine sustainable development and contributes to political instability. It already looks unlikely that Venezuela will meet all of its Millennium Development goals ...

Government  government poverty administration reduction industry development