883 articles on "government"

Hurrah! Congress Finally Solved a Problem...Or A Sign The Apocalypse Is Upon Us

We can rest easy now. According to a December 3, 2010 Associated Press article, our political class and the Congress they run have finally com together in a momentous manner to solve an issue facing all Americans. Would could it be, you say: - Did t...

Government  government working finally find
Your Constitution Is Under Attack

Our Constitution is under attack by most of your elected representative that took an oath to obey, protect and defend that magnificent blueprint of checks and balances. That's right attacked by your elected that you pay their bloated salaries an...

Government  government constitution elected from
George Orwell And Tough Times In Tokyo

Eric Blair investigated life in Paris, London, and other locations from 1927 to 1931, sleeping in a number of unpleasant locations. Based on his experiences and not wanting to use his own name, Blair published "Down and Out in Paris and London" under...

Government  government manga closet capsule internet coffee people hotels shops
Lito Atienza - Saving Lives Of Neglected Children

Lito Atienza is presently a part of the number of candidates who will take part in the elections for Manila mayor. These Manila elections, yet once more, would be a trial of the aptitude of the discernment of the electorate to pick a candidate who is...

Government  government manila elections mayor lito atienza these
Saving Jobs, Saving Public Dollars: Intervening Before Disability

Juan was a delivery driver, but his health problems were putting him at risk of losing his job. His diabetes was poorly controlled and had caused foot ulcers that made it difficult for him to walk. He also had bipolar disorder, which was not being co...

Government  government health mental people work disability earlier
The Bitch, the Darkness, the Kilts, and the Coppers! UK News Review

Well Darlings, I see a new style of restaurant has opened in Clerkenwell, London. It's called: Dans Le Noir - if you took French, you're ahead of me. Based on a similar successful one in Paris, it leaves you very much in the dark about wha...

Government  government served partly sighted blind waiters
The Science of Science!

What is Science!? First of all, Science! is not the same as science. Science! is the study and knowledge of all things scientific, quasiscientific, or pseudoscientific. Anything that is obscure, incoherent, or improbable is made clear by the purveyo...

Government  government scientist science scientists professor
Our taxes going down the drain...

High steel prices have led to an increase in manhole and drain cover theft across the UK. In fact, metals in general are high on the priority list for thieves with white vans and scrap metal establishments of ill repute. It is not unknown for large b...

Government  government covers manhole road signs problem
The Bitch And Brown Stuff In The Bed!

Well Darlings, What a week in politics we've had, haven't we? It was exciting enough, and then when Gordon Brown surprised everyone by trying to get into bed with Nick Clegg and the Cleggheads, I nearly wet myself! I mean: what an orgy tha...

Government  government democrats labour liberal were
Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction (Book Review)

Most of us are familiar with the bleakness and the general connotation of Kristallnacht. It takes some courage, however, to face the poignant, agonizing, and tragic personal stories of the survivors of that "night of the broken glass." This book has...

Government  government kristallnacht jews jewish history book were