883 articles on "government"

State Governments: Immobile, Going Broke and High On Wine

Many state and local governments are heading towards financial insolvency as a result of their state employee pension and retiree medical liabilities. Consider an article from the October 18, 2010 issue of Businessweek magazine: - According to a stu...

Government  government state winery liabilities money
I'm Tired... And That Is Why I Voted Republican For The First Time Ever

Earlier this week I submitted my mail-in ballot for the pertinent Florida political races that affect me. Up until that time, I took pride in truthfully stating that I had never voted for a Republican for national office in my life (I am 57 years old...

Government  government tired iaposm democratic national obama
The Communist Manifesto - A Book Review and Summary

Now largely discredited after it inspired - or some say was manipulated by - the murderous, brutal regime of Leninist/Stalinist Soviet Russia, The Communist Manifesto contains great insight into the limitations and superficiality of a Capitalist soci...

Government  government communist society history class manifesto revolution classes
Ten Ethical Failures That Need Our Children To Resolve

If the current situation is to be corrected greater emphasis is needed on the role of citizenship in the educational programme within the National Curriculum. To equip young minds for the future in the aftermath of the current global recession, argua...

Government  government current greed personal bank examples list curriculum
I Report - You Decide

I have found some interesting facts while watching C-Span last night. The minority leader of the Florida legislature was on. He said that every state which moved up their primaries were originally told that their votes would not count but after a DN...

Government  government florida legislature candidates minority bill
Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits

ic Procurement and Very Private Benefits by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, author...

Business And Finance  business finance public procurement government
How To Pay For Your Online Degree

How To Pay For Your Online Degree by: Joyce Jackson College can be expensive. Just because your degree is completed online does not make it cost any less. Education can be a budget busting proposition so here's what I found can help! Apply ...

Education  education loans students government interest loan
The Obama Administration 2010 Vs. George Orwell "1984"

I cannot help feeling that the Obama administration, and the entire American political class, has some frightening similarities to the dysfunctional and totalitarian government that George Orwell foresaw in his classic novel, "1984." The loss of free...

Government  government administration control obama political they
The Bitch and: The Farts Of Idiots!

Well Darlings, The world is full of self-centred insignificant little people with stupid (read: extremist) ideas. It seems every street has at least one. They are the frogs that fart in the long grass, and unless you are unfortunate enough to dwell ...

Government  government media news world little unheard
More Than One Oil Spill Villain

The media have been reporting excessively on the BP Oil Spill Disaster. Barely any coverage has been devoted to three all important questions; who is responsible for this man-made catastrophe, who has been an active accessory, and who has been caught...

Government  government drilling waters damages citizens