883 articles on "government"

Not "Peak Oil", But Lots More Oil

There was an interesting news item out of Moscow in late September to which most people probably paid little heed. "Russian is one of several countries that have rushed to lay claims to the area where a U.S. Study suggests as much as 25 percent of th...

Government  government barrels itaposs billions
Two Treatises of Government - A Concise Review and Summary

The liberal interpretation of the concept of a social contract, Two Treatises of Government was published in 1689 anonymously due to its anti-monarchical content. It was at its core a cry for tolerance and liberty; Locke felt that diversity encourage...

Government  government right tolerance exercise power felt
The Fight to Keep Online Poker Legal

The Poker Players Alliance is leading the rally to keep online poker legal and fight the hypocritical and prohibitionist anti-gaming legislation from Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and others. Below are details on how you can participate. First of all, ...

Government  government poker players alliance little packet member
Illegal Immigration And The Catholic Church

I am a Catholic. I am also, however, against illegal immigration. I believe that we should clamp down harder on illegal immigrants and we should do more to protect our borders. Churches, whether they be Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or other, however,...

Government  government catholic mahony interview reported illegal immigration times
Police Auctions & Government Auctions Professional Resource Information

Police Auctions Information: No, a police auction is not where you go to buy a policeman. Most people do not realize that police agencies, including local police departments, county sheriff departments, as well as state and federal law enforcement ag...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation auction government auctions police property will
The Power of Ideas

Everything that happens to you is the result of an idea. And ideas only come in two categories: untrue, and true. Untrue ideas are based on faulty premises, unclear thinking, incorrect assumptions, and unprincipled thinking. True ideas are based on t...

Government  government ideas result untrue internal happens idea thinking true
I Won't Support Most Democrats Because I'm A Black Man

Why Blacks should not support Democrats. Blacks should not support the Democratic Party in general. No minority group should support the Democratic Party in general. If you have read my comments anywhere on the web, here, Fool.com, ArgueWithEveryon...

Government  government party democrats democratic blacks general
Military Widows Organization Valentine"s Day Fundraiser

Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. (GSW) is a national nonprofit organization of military widows (and widowers) that provides support, information on benefits and resources, and works to increase federal benefits for surviving spouses and children. GSW...

Government  government spouses members provides benefits nonprofit wwii
Turning of the Tide?

The recent midterm election has certainly passed with some interesting results. The Democrats, against the odds, took control of both houses of congress. However, the results of many bills have come up as a mixed bag of conservative and liberal choic...

Government  government results bills democrats election social
Are Fidel Castro's Days Numbered

The Cuban leader Fidel Castro is making attempts to drag his country out of the guagmire he has landed it in since rejecting adopting market economic principles when its sponsor, the Soviet Union, fell apart in 1991. Even though his way of doing it -...

Government  government cuban cuba leader economy castro