883 articles on "government"

The Safest Place in America: Front Sight

There is a place just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, located on 550 acres of land, that is going to change the world. Founder and Director, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, created Front Sight to be the safest place in America. He wanted it to be a place where p...

Government  government training sight ignatius piazza firearms students
Wisconsin Medicaid Cost Reductions - A Little Bit Of Good News On Government Spending

It does not happen often but every once in a while we come across an instance of a government entity actually reducing its costs and inefficiency when it comes to spending taxpayer money. A short article by Ryan Tracy in the August 23, 2010 issue of ...

Government  government politicians medicaid wisconsin political were
Some Introductory Economics For The Armchair Economist

This article discusses some introductory economics for the armchair economist, namely the basic principles of economics that can be seen anywhere and everywhere. What is Economics? The US economy? The UK economy? Gross Domestic Product? Internation...

Government  government economics mmaposs cost assumptions benefit
Lito Atienza: The Most Beloved Mayor In The City Of Manila

Former Manila Mayor Lito Atienza is one of the most efficient leaders in the rich history of the nation's capital. His resume speaks of countless accomplishments and completed projects, all of which has benefited his beloved Manilenos. The Atien...

Government  government atienza city projects also
The Dubious Immorality Of Online Gambling

The recent back-door legislation which outlawed online gambling in the USA has been championed as a moral cause. This is in direct opposition to a Gallup Poll taken earlier this year which found that 60 percent of adults believe gambling is morally a...

Government  government gambling family immoral money legislation
Do We Teach Our Children to Lie?

As I write this, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the Vice Presidential Chief of Staff under President Bush has been indicted under five counts of lying, perjury and obstructing justice. I do want us to be clear on the meaning of the word "indicted." It doesn&...

Government  government child emperor children clothes beautiful anderson they
UN Claims 76 Million on African Continent are Without a House

Slums, which lack adequate shelter often grow up in and around large urban centers in developing countries as rural populations migrate to the cities in search of employment. Slum dwellers lacks the solutions for alleviating houselessness and proper ...

Government  government slums cities slum shelters africa urban shelter
Feisty Candidates Spar for Vote

Accusations, finger pointing and mudslinging would be welcome gestures compared to the new lows two rival candidates have stooped to this election year. The pair are on the campaign trail desperately pulling out all stops to secure your vote and qui...

Government  government people lincoln kennedy said
Leadership Means Living the Vision

The inauguration is over, appointments are agreed upon, our nation's capitol returns to itself and millions of Americans watch to see President Obama lead this country toward his vision for the United States of America. It will take his embodyin...

Government  government vision leadership institutions president
Local Government Apathy - Alarming Statistics

At every level of government and politics, an informed electorate is needed to understand the candidates and issues of their community. That sounds pretty basic doesn't it? Citizens cannot make informed decisions before they vote for candidates ...

Government  government informed article candidates issues discussion