883 articles on "government"

The Protectionism Delusion

Economists through years of study and practice have concluded that through free trade, based on the principal of comparative advantage, the world economy can achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and a higher level of material well-being. ...

Government  government trade barriers protectionism foreign which
World Federation of Trade Unions Calls for April 1st Action

Unions affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) met in Lisbon in December to discuss the world financial crisis and advance a set of demands. The assembled WFTU affiliates set Wednesday, April 1, 2009 as an international date for wor...

Government  government world workers meeting wftu peoples international
New Defense Secretary Changes Everything

On Election Day, the American people spoke very strongly that the direction the President and the Republican Party was taking America towards, is not the direction the country wanted to go in. Presidents are not oblivious to polls. They may not honor...

Government  government president secretary bush iraq gates
Why You Never Have To Pay Retail Prices For Anything - Ever Again

Why You Never Have To Pay Retail Prices For Anything - Ever Again by: Tukshad Engineer I step into my local mall, and into a leading top brand clothes store. I see a jumper I like and while feeling the soft material casually lift up the price ta...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure government auctions wholesalers there
Bully for prohibitionists

Imagine that I wanted you to quit gambling, or to stop smoking something, or to save more for your retirement. I have my reasons, okay? The world would be a much better place if it did things my way.I confront you on the street while you’re smoking...

Government  government smoking authority things police
The Bitch And Having Balls!

Well Darlings, Despite his many gaffes, and the continuing unseaworthiness of SS Labour, I don't think anyone could ever accuse Alan Johnson of deserting the old tub by 'copping out'. If the news of his serious family problems are cor...

Government  government balls labour miliband round shadow
The Wheels On The Obama Care Bus Never Go Round and Round... They Just Fall Off

Since the legislation known as Obama Care was passed back in the spring, it seems like a good time to revisit the legislation and see what has happened in the health care industry since then. Unfortunately, for both the President and millions of Amer...

Government  government care health insurance obama legislation
Alan Garcia - The Peruvian President Who Got a Second Chance

When general elections were held on June 4, 2006, Alan Gabriel Ludwig Garcia Perez, a member of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana party (APRA), a left-center Peruvian political organization, became the current President of Peru. As the hea...

Government  government garcia term president peruvian peru office
Lost in Translation: California Community Dispute Resolution Programs Denied Funding

In 1986, the California legislature enacted a statute to fund a Dispute Resolution Program. In enacting this statute the Legislature recognized that the resolution of many disputes is unnecessarily costly, time consuming and complex when achieved thr...

Government  government resolution programs legislature court dispute claims program
The Possibilities for Anarchy II

Any chances for a country to be ruled by alternative rule will always be zero because -as many economists, philosophers and scientists claim- the way the various parts reality consist of interrelate is dominated by forces we won’t in a billion year...

Government  government ideas itself