883 articles on "government"

Slobodan Milosevic Found Dead

Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president who was currently being tried for war crimes, has been found dead in his prison cell. The 64 year old was being held at a detention center outside The Hague, and initial reports suggest that he died o...

Government  government milosevic tribunal crimes
Middle East Peace Is An Oxymoron

The phrase Middle East and the word peace are so contradictory that when put together they become an oxymoron. An oxymoron, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is "a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combin...

Government  government peace fundamentalists arab israel
The Malice Of Corporate America

If you are one of most Americans who own stocks or corporate bonds, thanks to retirement plans, mutual funds and such, you are owning a piece of "Corporate America". But wait, before getting complacent and letting out a tearful "being proud to be an ...

Government  government corporations corporate america itaposs
Indigenous Jobs in WA

Indigenous Employment and Aboriginal Jobs in WA The labour market place in WA gives unparalleled opportunities for Indigenous employment and aboriginal jobs, where people can train, develop skills and take up function opportunities in Western Austra...

Business And Finance  business finance indigenous employment government programs state employers western
Bad Laws Behaving Badly

One of the biggest government myths that Americans need to overcome before they can restore their freedom is that when politicians pass a law, then all is well in the world, the assumptions being that 1) the intended consequences of the law will actu...

Government  government financial politicians laws oxley sarbanes
America's Achilles Heel: Its Children. The Unthinkable Terrorist Act

So Many Children So Much Blood So Many tears What will we do? The soldier stood there erect, proud, and with a heavy heart. He looked at his wife and two children and struggled with saying good-bye. He was going to leave to fight terrorism in a coun...

Government  government soldier children officer eyes good
AB 32 Legislation Needs Careful Implementation

Also known as the Global Warming Solutions Act, AB 32 needs to operate carefully within its specific principles to maintain its effectiveness. As hard-line approach to the reduction of global warming can be admirable, it also places threats to compan...

Government  government legislation warming california global solutions
Why Are The Washington Politicians The Only Americans Not Concerned About The Looming Government Debt Crisis?

Before we try to understand why the Washington political class is so clueless about the gathering budget and debt storm clouds that are fast approaching, it might be a good idea to review the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO...

Government  government spending debt trillion
The Protectionism Delusion

Economists through years of study and practice have concluded that through free trade, based on the principal of comparative advantage, the world economy can achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and a higher level of material well-being. ...

Government  government trade barriers protectionism foreign which
The Canadian Political System

The Canadian political system as it is known today was first drafted by the "Fathers of Confederation" at the Quebec conference of 1864. This then became law when the constitution act was passed in 1867. This act gave the formal executive authority t...

Government  government house senate canada party bill