883 articles on "government"

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 8: Wanta Explains Details Of Massive 4.5 Trillion Dollar Recovery In Monies Allegedly Stolen By Bush And

In one of the major stories of the century, former Ambassador Leo Wanta provided details of a massive 4.5 trillion dollar settlement reached as a way to get back into U.S. coffers at least part of the 27.5 trillion stolen by the Bush and Clinton crim...

Government  government wanta money american corrupt bush
The Macro and Micro Worlds of Thea Alexander

Thea Alexander wrote a book called 2150 AD, originally published in 1976. She describes a fascinating world that includes two parts consisting of the Macro World and the Micro World. In the Macro world there was harmony, cooperation, and everyone re...

Government  government world chinese communist party micro control
Types Of Student Loans

Paying for college sometimes means using student loans. Student loans are specifically designed to help students meet the costs of a higher education. Most student loans offer good deals on tax credits, payback and interest rates. However, before get...

Kids And Teens  kids teens loans student loan interest government rates federal
America Embraces The Mythical Golden Goose

America is the land of dreams, of potential, of opportunity. Unfortunately America has embraced a fantasy, succumbing to the illusion that one can in fact get "something for nothing." Our political leaders and well-healed elite have discovered the "g...

Government  government goose people interests golden
The Bitch and the Neurotics of Paedophilia!

Well Darlings, Full marks to businessman Mirko Fischer who filed and won a claim against British Airways for sex discrimination. Last year Mr Fischer was on a BA flight waiting to depart from London when his pregnant wife wanted to swap seats so she...

Government  government seats fischer original flight next
Police and Effective Communication

If there is one occupation where communication skills are an absolutely essential that is the job of a police officer. In terms of police officers and the jobs they are expected to do on the street, communications skills are so critical that they can...

Government  government officers police officer situation need
The Supreme Court-Eminent Domain-A Conundrum

The Supreme Court recently handed down a very controversial decision regarding a case in New London, Connecticut. What does that have to do with my web site? The fact that this decision can effect the economic well being of us all I think it falls w...

Government  government decision supreme court allow were
Peace On Earth, A Wonderful Wish, But No Way

When asked, "If you could wish for one thing only, what would that wish be?" almost everyone; from beauty pagent contestants, to politicians, to religious leaders, to children, to the average person on the street states, "Peace On Earth" or "An end t...

Government  government people believe wars power donapost killed
Fair Tax for Free People

The absolute fairest tax on all the free people in the world is zero tax. Who does the emperor tax, his own, or the stranger? If you are paying no taxes, you are free, for what that may be worth. When you pay tax, you are not free; you are someone&a...

Government  government people corporate corporations
The Character of a Nation

A nation is only as strong as the character of its people. In a speech just before his historic inauguration as the United State's 44th President, Barack Obama said, "never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during time...

Government  government nation character liberty truth people religious