883 articles on "government"

A Republican Jew (No, It's Not An Oxymoron)

In the wake of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, and the news that approximately 24% of American Jews (an increased, but still relatively small percentage) voted for George W. Bush, it is, I believe, an appropriate time to examine (not for the fir...

Government  government israel support jewish much
Should We Worry About Immigrant Assimilation and Education?

Yes, they are important to our future! Many of tomorrow's workers and business owners are the children of today's immigrants. More than 40% of the growth of our labor force in the late 1990s was due to immigrants, and since immigration WIL...

Government  government children parents school immigrants some
G.D. Goenka Public School: Enhancing Creativity

Why is India still a developing country and not a developed country? What is stopping it from being a developed country? These are some of the common questions that we often encounter after switching on our television sets. Moreover in social network...

Education  education government students country schools quality school
The Truth About Hemp

I do not drink alcohol, and do not use, grow, buy, sell, or possess hemp or pot (or any other illegal substance). However, I have learned the truth about hemp. Hemp is a strong, fast growing plant that grows naturally as nature's best source of...

Government  government hemp plant drug
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt.26: Wanta Story Not Over By A Long Shot; $4.5 Trillion Still To Be Released Into U.S. Economy

The continuing saga of Ambassador Leo Wanta is not over by a long shot. It's not over until 'the Fat Lady sings', as they say, even though U.S. authorities are trying hard to make the story disappear, acting like a bunch of second rate...

Government  government wanta american people ambassador story
Cities, States and Others Step up Action on Climate Change, Despite Federal Reluctance

Last year, Pentagon defense adviser Andrew Marshall issued a harsh warning of the consequences of climate change: mass chaos, national security crises and food shortages. If climate change occurs abruptly, the report declared, there could be a catast...

Government  government change climate food security international plant million
Luck or Providence D

Luck or Providence? (D)Terry Dashner…………………..Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013May I share several more significant historical events that didn’t just happen by luck. I believe that the hand of Providence was b...

Government  government corpus carta magna habeas english which
Anti-Americanism - The Radical Religion Of The Left

In card games, the hierarchy goes something like this: Two Pairs beats a pair. 3 of a kind beats 2 Pairs. A Straight beats 3 of a kind. A Flush beats a Straight. A Full House beats a Flush. 4 of a Kind beats a Full House. A Straight Flush beats 4 of ...

Government  government beats rights women abortion anti americanism
Leadership and Perception

Leaders lead and followers follow, right? What if, as a leader, you believed you were leading but no one was following? What if your employees believed they were being led but in reality there was no leadership? We like to believe we are effective an...

Government  government perception leaders effective matter efficient
The Prison Mirror part of Prison Series

The true measure of social consciousness is prisons. They tell more about society than any travelogue possibly could. They are the product of ignorance as a tradition and undeniable social regression. Send a law breaker to prison and convert him to ...

Government  government society prisons people crime prison