883 articles on "government"

Are We Barbarians?

For Desiring to Revolutionize Property Relations in Society? 1 - Property Relations: A Historical Look In a society that has been founded on the ideals of the Enlightenment, on the philosophes and the thinkers of centuries past, there is no skeptic...

Government  government society property
Privacy Versus Security

Lately the far left, the Democrats, certain left wing celebrities, ultra liberal newspaper reporters and editors and network news reporters and commentators have been ranting and raving about how President Bush has illegally taken away our right to p...

Government  government president people
The Public Sector, Our Grandkids and Our Failed Political Class

An article by Mark Shields entitled, "The Public Sector And My Grandchildren," appeared in the December 26, 2010 issue of the St. Petersburg Times. In the article, Mr. Shields tries to make the case that government at all levels has and will make sur...

Government  government political safety they
Are The Failed Japanese Government Economic Policies And Obamanomics One and The Same?

Robert Samuelson had an interesting article in the latest issue of Newsweek magazine, "Why Japan Fell And What It teaches Us." Mr. Samuelson reviews how Japan got into its current and long running economic slump, highlights of which include the follo...

Government  government japan economic spending growth
Boundaries for Prosperity

How do we define our boundaries? Nearly all would recognize that some kind of limitation on human behavior is required. Clearly, boundaries must be set for personal life, family life, community life, and national life. What many do not realize, howe...

Government  government laws boundaries liberty behavior principles
What's Holding China Back?

We have added many new words to our regular vocabulary in recent years and a lot of them have come from the Internet. However probably the most used of them all is Google as a substitute work for search. It can be taken for granted that you can find ...

Government  government internet chinese world china
How Owning A Great Dane Is Effected By It's Personality

There are some breeds that are instantly recognizable. The Great Dane is one of those: its powerful, yet never clumsy, form makes it the target of much admiration. Of course, it's more than the Dane's robust build that makes it so easy to s...

Government  government dane breed some
Is The National Association of Realtors (NAR) Inflating Their Membership Count?

Is The National Association of Realtors (NAR) inflating their membership count? According to various sources there are big difference between the real estate head count of the National Association of Realtors and other credible sources. Recently, RI...

Government  government estate real agents count agent national
Tony Blair Concedes Defeat

Tony Blair revealed, in his speech to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, he just doesn't get it (or is at least ordered to appear that way like President Bush). The war on terrorism is a war against Nazi-Muslims, plain and simple. It is not...

Government  government values world
How Can We Convince Immigrants to Learn English?

Even though they are able to live here without it. Everyone in the world knows that English is the language spoken in the U.S. and most immigrants are prepared to learn it. But when they arrive, many of them (especially Spanish speaking) find signs ...

Government  government language english learn evenout