883 articles on "government"

Immigration To America

My wife and I went to Frankenmuth Michigan, the other weekend. We usually go up there once or twice a year. That's where I proposed to my wife, so it holds some sentimental value for us. It is also the biggest Christmas town in America. "Bronner...

Government  government people america reasons
The Inertia of Power

I hate it when Saddam Hussein gets proved to be right... Buried in all his pre-invasion bluster was a promise that Iraqis would give the Americans 'another Viet Nam' if they tried to occupy the country. To many, this sounded like just anot...

Government  government american presidency iraq there
Misuse of Statistics in Media: Political Motivation

The preparation for this short Project revealed the growing concern on how a statistical survey may be or is being misused to support the vested interest of the funding agencies. To find a political article a search was conducted online and the choi...

Government  government article support question sample statistical small
Democrats Versus Republicans, The Battle Is Almost Over

The following are the opinions of the author and although I believe them to be true I am not stating them as anything other than my opinions. Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln, Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United...

Government  government people president party
Crime: An Analysis

Introduction It seems that thinkers, philosophers, social critics, and typically anyone concerned with the plight of those who must endure through misery and suffering, usually make references to the poverty, oppression, and crime of those who must ...

Government  government crime wealth paid were
The Blessing of Society

"Society in every state is a blessing..." Thomas Paine, Common Sense What of value? Interaction among human beings has provided us each with unique, fulfilling experiences, fond memories, and satisfied desires. When humans gathered together to sh...

Government  government society were
A Tucson Tragedy

Normally, additions to my blog are designed to promote information sharing on topics related to wine and to promote products my company makes available to our customers. The dialog presented contains facts, issues, product reviews, and, occasionally,...

Government  government tucson people citizens many
Using Smart Americans To Solve Our National Debt Crisis Vs. Using The Political Class

I know the title today is a little cruel but I believe it is true. The Federal government's debt that the political class has run up over the decades is now at shocking levels, levels that may take generations of future Americans to pay off. The...

Government  government commission federal
Who said: "We Will Go Through Our Federal Budget Page By Page, Eliminating Those Programs We Do Need."

According to the Cato Institute, who stated the words in the title of this post? Congressman Ron Paul, that crazy libertarian type out of Texas? Somebody out of that wacky tea party crowd? One of those nut case Fox News hosts? No, those words were st...

Government  government budget federal year would
Don't Look for Leadership in Washington

How has a free nation with an established government of the people, by the people, for the people so lost its way? A quick read of the headlines - unemployment, failed economy, terrorism, growing public and private debt, climate change, illegal immig...

Government  government people power washington