883 articles on "government"

Should the Government Compensate the Clients of TAT?

ld the Government Compensate the Clients of TAT? by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. This, of course, is a political decision. There is no "right" thing to do. Even the IMF imperatives are not sacred. Sometimes, inflationary goals should be sacrifice to avoid...

Business And Finance  business finance banks government bank money
Globalize to Survive

Globalize to SurviveByWilliam CatePublished September 2004[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Civilization in the 21st century is in serious trouble. Moder...

Business And Finance  business finance government economic rights assets
The Day of Infamy

December 7, 1941. Sixty eight years ago. Today we remember Pearl Harbor. Many of the heroes of that fateful day are no longer with us. Their memories will live with us forever. You may have had a father, grand-father, uncle or aunt that lived through...

Government  government attacked
Assault on the American Homeowner

Sixty-nine percent of Americans are homeowners, and they are under siege. A number of "unfriendly" policies, proposals and court decisions within the past year have produced an atmosphere which is arguably antithetical to the American dream of carvin...

Government  government growth smart interest mortgage from
The Greater Good

As man developed he needed to have forms of decision-making or government. The family unit or clan and ‘extended family’ may still be the best form of government as Elders wisely chose to manage their people. The ‘paternalistic benevolent’ p...

Government  government energy there
Coming Out of the Self Improvement Closet

When I work closely with my personal development clients, I provide them with what I describe as 'mental exercises' - short 'meditations' that enable them un-clutter and focus their minds. You must realize that a focused mind is t...

Government  government personal development people lives
Political News - Get Educated!

There are a number of internet sites online that claim to provide political news. Others do it really well however a few make use of the information as a method of presenting their very own point of views as fact. It is not hard to handle data to be ...

Government  government news political pointself
Searching for Truth in Politics

Politics and truth are words rarely found cohabitating. The phrase "political truth" may in fact be an oxymoron. One light-hearted definition of politics: [n: Poly "many" plus tics "blood-sucking parasites"] suggests a disdain for the people wielding...

Government  government truth politics path
An Open Letter - My Prayer for President Barack Obama and the Future of Our Great Nation

My prayer for you, President Barack Obama, is that you will be able to answer the call of solitude when it beckons. It has been such a tumultuous start to your presidency. You came with an open mind, a clear conscience and a good heart. It may well ...

Government  government president people they
Our Economically Unbalanced World

Being born an Army brat, I was very lucky to have received my American citizenship at birth since I was born in Landstuhl Army Hospital, Kaiserslautern, Germany (known to the Americans as "K Town"). My dad was in the Army, and met my mother in Berlin...

Government  government people germany