883 articles on "government"

The Killer For Our Country

Several years ago Gillette relocated their manufacturing to China because the cost of labor over there is so much less. They are also the makers of Duracell. Because of this thousands of US workers lost their source of income. Wal-Mart has been buyin...

Government  government much
Is Our Government To Blame For High Gas Prices?

Front and center in every form of media is the rising cost of oil and gas. It affects the lifestyles of every American and the costs of all goods and services we use. Many of us are shaking our fists and looking for somebody to blame. Before we start...

Government  government efficient energy american
Dialogue on Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action Advocate (AAA): I believe in Affirmative Action, because it equalizes the playing ground. If 5% of America is Asian, then in a class room of 20, there should be one asian. If 35% of America is black, then in that same class room, t...

Government  government black person racism white
Economic Development on Democratic Terms: Five Key Conditions

Since economic development is the most financially consequential area of urban policy, it affects the distribution of wealth, of quality education, of employment, housing, health care and of other important indicators of the overall quality of urban ...

Government  government public development urban where
Objections To A Single-Payer Plan In America

1) The government can't run anything. I don't trust the government. The current gang in Washington may be a good reason not to trust the government to do ANYTHING right. However, Medicare and Social Security are good examples of systems t...

Government  government care health system payer single
Thinking and Governing From Principle

The principles of liberty are universal, and can be applied in any culture, system, or region. That is the definition of a principle - an idea based on natural law, transcendent of culture, philosophy, time, and location. Governments that promote lib...

Government  government principle principles liberty people based
Government Involvement Has Stabilized the Mortgage Industry

High foreclosure rates across the country as well as a faltering financial sector has dictated government involvement in the mortgage industry. This involvement has facilitated growth in both residential and commercial real estate such as Minnesota r...

Government  government mortgage federal industry home
Putin's Nation State Model

On February 8, 2008 President Vladimir Putin of Russia made an extraordinary speech at the Expanded Meeting of the State Council. The 13 page speech was titled Russia's Development Strategy to 2020. The document is a template, a guide for the cr...

Government  government state national development country putin russia people
Highest Law an Introduction

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270…Pastor Terry Dashner…………Introduction to a new series…Today I begin a series on supreme law. The debate today among those who determine the constitutionality of...

Government  government gods right life will
Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Act was put on the statue books in 1974, covering a board spectrum of legislation for employers and employees alike. It was a much needed act and in its original format, it made the workplace a much safer environment, and curtai...

Government  government executive health safety years