883 articles on "government"

The Twilight Zone World Of Joe Biden

The Vice President has always been good for a quote, or in many cases, a misquote, when it comes to explaining the reality of our world. However, many times you wonder if he and the rest of us are living in the same world and reality or we are stuck ...

Government  government economic uncertain program time
The Bitch and Redundant Truth!

Well Darlings, If I were to ask who the most unpopular and disliked people are today, I doubt it would take anyone long to come up with politicians or bankers, and probably both. We take at face value what these people tell us at our peril. However ...

Government  government people today
Your Government Is Betraying You

I spoke at a seminar recently. It's always fascinating to meet the people who go to these events, but this was the first time I'd been to one after the crash of last October. Needless to say, the mood wasn't a happy one... The speake...

Government  government gold currency money
Is Egypt The First Domino to Fall?

After almost a month of protests and people living in the streets, rocks being thrown, blood being spilled, and many injured, Egyptian President Mubarak finally resigns. There was partying and cheers from the streets all night. The people had spoken ...

Government  government people streets internet these
Election Debate and Political Body Language

Tonight sees the first of three historic live debates between the three main party leaders Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. All week I've been doing interviews as to what we should be looking for in the body language of the three as...

Government  government eyes look
Denmark, Democracy and the Free Press

Ask some Danes in the street of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, about what is important to them. Many will answer you that it is important that we have a country that is safe, that all people get their basic supply of food, have a decent place to...

Government  government important religion danes
War and Peace

The history of mankind to date having been one of almost continuous conflict, it should come as no surprise that the third millennium has started pretty much as the second ended. War and rumors of war dominate the daily news, raising fears that the s...

Government  government world peace fear
How Can The Government Actually Stimulate The Economy?

People make the right decisions far more often than the government ever has, does, or will. I think that the best form of government is one that encourages, facilitate, and empower the individual citizen to make their own individual choices on how to...

Government  government think citizen
Response to a Proposal for Serfdom: Criticism of Obama

Response to a Proposal for Serfdom: Criticism of Barack Obama March 26, 2009 By Punkerslut The economic, buyout plan of the United States government is made with the thought that the New Deal of Roosevelt ended the depression; but the unemployment...

Government  government obama dollars will
Concepts of Socialism

Introduction - What Is Socialism? Socialism is the belief that children should not have to go to sleep hungry at night. Socialism is the belief that sweatshops are an abomination to the ethic of humaneness. Socialism is the belief that no man should...

Government  government workers worker they