883 articles on "government"

Newspapers And Political Bias

Almost every weekday, for the last thirty some years, I have purchased three or four newspapers and read them at lunch time. I do this in order to relax and in some cases learn something. One of the 'newspapers' I buy is the Los Angeles Tim...

Government  government news piece paper front
American Politics Federal Government, Political Left And Right

Did you know that the term political left originated in France during the French revolution? After the King and Queen were executed, France became a republic. The terms left and right evolved from the seating in the modern parliament. These are even ...

Government  government political right dems
High Prices Continue to Cause Food Scarcity and Shortages Forcing Countries to Become More Selfish

At one time food prices were largely stable, based on supply and demand, and crop prices were protected by regulations which fixed their prices so that in a bad year farmers' incomes were protected while in good ones, they might lose out slightl...

Government  government food prices world
Global Warming

This issue is receiving much attention in the news with many declaring the end of the earth as we know it and insisting that we take immediate action or it will be too late. They enlisted many entertainment professionals to aid in their declaration, ...

Government  government claim climate
The Bitch Is Back! - UK News and Events Reviewed

Well darlings, How was it for you? The holiday season, I mean. What else? If there was anything else for me then I must apologise, I don't remember it - I guess if it wasn't the drink, then I must have thought it insignificant at the time!...

Government  government being
The Radicalism Of Moderates And Independents

There seems to be an unwritten rule, in the minds of many, that being a Political Independent makes a person more "reasonable" than people on the extremes of the political spectrum. Many on the right look to "soften" their views in order to gain acce...

Government  government right people truth
A Dream Retirement Or A Rude-Awakening To Financial Reality

It would be fair to say that most people will find their incomes at least halved the instance they retire from the workforce. The bombshell is dropped when suddenly discovering they lack the cash flow to do the things they had always dreamed of doing...

Business And Finance  business finance retirement government live they
2010: Politically, It Was Much Worse Than You Thought

As we come to the end of the year, it is usually a good time to look back and see what the year brought us and hopefully, be thankful for our health, wealth, and good times. However, from an American political class perspective, the events of 2010 we...

Government  government political class article financial
How President Obama Fascist Policies Will Make The Coming Greater Depression Worse.

How President Obama fascist policies will make the deflation economy and coming GREATER DEPRESSION worse. Webster's New World Dictionary defines fascism as: A system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppressi...

Government  government obama world fascist control
If You Don't Vote, Then You Actually Did Vote.

I often hear people say they don't vote because, they say, their vote wont count or their vote wont matter. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the bald truth is that even if you don't cast a vote, you just voted. Let me repe...

Government  government vote donapost winner election