806 articles related to "government"

UK News reviewed by The Bitch! (a weekly column).

Well darlings, That's the season over again for another year in Blackpool and the preliminary autopsies are already out. It seems it hasn't been a disaster, but it certainly hasn't been that good either. The council and Blackpool Tour...

Government  government blackpool will
The Leo Wanta Sage, Pt. 27: Wanta Confident $4.5 Trillion Will Be Released As Corrupt U.S.Authorities Backing Themselves Into A

According to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the financial group waiting to distribute $4.5 trillion to the American people, Ambassador Leo Wanta assured him on Thursday the money eventually will be released, as corrupt U.S. authorities withholding...

Government  government wanta cottrell money
West Sussex County Council Youth Work Cuts

West Sussex County Council Youth Work is incredible. I can say this as I have been an active volunteer for the West Sussex County Council Youth Offenders Service for just over a year and seen first hand what the Youth workers aim to achieve, how they...

Government  government youth people sussex reduce
In Presidential Politics, The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

As we rapidly approach the end of the second year of the Obama administration, it is a good time take an in-depth look and see if the President delivered on the "change we can believe in" campaign promise. This analysis was prompted by an Associated ...

Government  government administration obama change bush president
Keys to Developing Post Divorce Relationships

Remember the time when we walked down the aisle. This was the most exciting day of our lives. Making the vows to honor and protect, cherish, love, etc., till divorce do us part? This is a common ritual and part of our culture for people that are "in-...

Government  government relationship love relationships divorce
Wealthy Countries Richer… but Sending Less in Aid

Forty-five million children are set to die by 2015 if countries like the United States and Britain don’t meet their aid quotas, reports the international agency of Oxfam.Even though countries like those in the G7 are wealthier than they have ever b...

Government  government countries states united will
Perform Random Acts of Facilitation

Perform Random Acts of FacilitationIf you happen to be a member of any kind of group that meets regularly, I’m calling you to play your part in saving the world from millions of wasted hours in boring, poorly facilitated meetings!PremiseAny partici...

Government  government meeting things
Political-Economic Approach to Local Economic Development

The political-economic approach to local economic development is rooted in Marxist theory (Harvey, 1973). Although Marx never focused on urban economic development as a central theme, several of his followers have worked to develop a Marxist theory o...

Government  government development economic urban political shlay public
King Makers

We are a funny lot - Americans. We profess to manage ourselves and our state by way of democratic principles to ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves...

Government  government people king change life secure
Immigrant Integration, 6 Ways To Help You Become A Happy And Well Adjusted Immigrant

You are a new immigrant into a country, let's use Canada as an example. You feel like an "immigrant". You don't really want to feel like an immigrant, what you really want is to feel that you belong to this new country. You want to be happy...

Government  government language courses local immigrant school feel