806 articles related to "government"

West Sussex County Council Youth Work Cuts

West Sussex County Council Youth Work is incredible. I can say this as I have been an active volunteer for the West Sussex County Council Youth Offenders Service for just over a year and seen first hand what the Youth workers aim to achieve, how they...

Government  government youth people sussex reduce
God Bless China

The irony is so rich you could cut it... And simultaneously, we have a massive inflection point in the world. It used to be that the countries of the world looked to America- the champion of free enterprise- to lead the world out of recession. Now...

Government  government chinese american they
The Leo Wanta Saga Pt. 3: Americans, If You Want To Save Your Republic, Get Behind Leo Wanta

If Americans ever want to reclaim their Republic, understanding the importance of the story behind jailed Ambassador Leo Wanta is a good starting point. In fact, the Wanta case may prove to be the "story of the century" even though it is cloaked in a...

Government  government wanta people money financial american
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 17: A Recap of the Explosive Leo Wanta Story

Trying to get the Leo Wanta story published in an American newspaper or broadcast on a television station is like trying to fight a grizzly bear with pocket knife. And trying to get top U.S. officials to talk, those high ranking officials caught with...

Government  government story wanta people financial
Paradigm Engineering and History

Those who try to define or somehow limit spirituality end up ignoring its nature and those who accept it blindly assign it virtues beyond its purpose. It is not just religion or metaphysical science which concerns mankind as we try to make sense of ...

Government  government history people point which
Immigration To America

My wife and I went to Frankenmuth Michigan, the other weekend. We usually go up there once or twice a year. That's where I proposed to my wife, so it holds some sentimental value for us. It is also the biggest Christmas town in America. "Bronner...

Government  government people america reasons
King Makers

We are a funny lot - Americans. We profess to manage ourselves and our state by way of democratic principles to ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves...

Government  government people king change life secure
Up and Down the Bush Philosophy

Every president has a political philosophy that guides him and, sometimes, the nation. George W. Bush believes he has divine inspiration to do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it, and to make his subjects adhere to whatever beliefs he holds ...

Government  government nationin political philosophy emptive wants
Pussyfooting Diplomacy

Every now and then the English language produces an interesting word filled with imagery. One of my favorites is "pussyfooting" as it describes how someone or something behaves cautiously or timidly like a cat before making a commitment to action. It...

Government  government north sanctions economic country
Affirmative Action

I have said before that I detest the slaughter of animals because it is tantamount to Racism. I hold an incalculable hatred for Affirmative Action, though, because it is Racism! To this Affirmative Action does it not lift value off of the shoulders ...

Government  government jobs race because