806 articles related to "government"

Don't Look for Leadership in Washington

How has a free nation with an established government of the people, by the people, for the people so lost its way? A quick read of the headlines - unemployment, failed economy, terrorism, growing public and private debt, climate change, illegal immig...

Government  government people power washington
The Dangerous Politics Of Food Scarcity Need Global Regulation To Help Biopesticide Developers

Worldwide around 852 million people are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty, while up to 2 billion people lack food security intermittently due to varying degrees of poverty. Six million children die of hunger every year - 17,000 every day. In...

Government  government food countries world security people
So, Ya Gotta Be a Mooslim Before Yer a Terrorist?

Article first published as Why No Right Wing Outrage Over "Terrorist Kane"? on Blogcritics. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Two terrorists are pulled over by a cop car. The older terrorist is a religious fanatic. His 16-year old son ha...

Government  government terrorist kill
Immigration Reform: When Will It Happen? Will It Happen?

Immigration reform and illegal immigrants have lost the top spots in the news in the past month or so. There is almost no chance of it being taken care of in Congress this year. Wars in the middle east and 10 year old murder cases are all anyone is t...

Government  government year news border workers people being
Interfering with The Bitch! - UK News Reviewed

Well Darlings, The day started strangely. It was the morning after the night before, as my head so kindly reminded me on trying to wake. There were words rattling around in my brain as it was attempting, with little success, to stack them somewhere ...

Government  government morning
The British Governments Attempt To Save The Planet

The British Governments Attempt to save the Planet English & Welsh Building Regulations Part L2 - Section 3 - Building Log Books Since April 2002 it has been a requirement of the English and Welsh Building Regulations Approved Document L2 for the ...

Government  government building energy plant provided related design book
Local Government Elections - An Inside Look

Over the past 25 years, I have observed and participated in local government from a variety of angles. From humble beginnings as a local political cartoonist, through a local elected official career, and now a Local Government Affairs Director for a ...

Government  government local election work wanted from
Colors of the American Flag

I would imagine that even before the ink on the Declaration of Independence had dried, the sentences: "Are we gonna have a flag? We gotta have a flag! Britain has a flag!" were echoed by members of the Continental Congress. But then, a flag is import...

Government  government flag itaposs stars
Using Smart Americans To Solve Our National Debt Crisis Vs. Using The Political Class

I know the title today is a little cruel but I believe it is true. The Federal government's debt that the political class has run up over the decades is now at shocking levels, levels that may take generations of future Americans to pay off. The...

Government  government commission federal
Who said: "We Will Go Through Our Federal Budget Page By Page, Eliminating Those Programs We Do Need."

According to the Cato Institute, who stated the words in the title of this post? Congressman Ron Paul, that crazy libertarian type out of Texas? Somebody out of that wacky tea party crowd? One of those nut case Fox News hosts? No, those words were st...

Government  government budget federal year would