Array ( [about] => humor [p] => 15 )
Love the good things in life? So we do. Unfortunately, a new study shows that if you're content with voluntary starvation you can live longer. The proof is in the monkeys. One rhesus monkey was put on a calorie-restricted diet, while the other...
Humor humor life monkeys calorie monkey muchQuestion: Which is stronger concrete or bone? Answer: Bone Useless Fact: Human bones can actually resist 40 times more stress than concrete. Don't believe it is true? Then picture a piece of concrete the size of a bone and imagine how easily ...
Humor humor squid largest question insect useless factI actually bought a Sunday paper this past weekend, something I haven't done for a while. Reading about all the problems in the world just tends to detract from my retirement euphoria. A person can get a serious ulcer thinking about all of this ...
Humor humor miller willThat's the question many pranksters are asking, especially given the recent rise in celebrities such as Russell Brand appearing in the media for prank calling offenses. Information on the legality of making prank calls is very confusing, mainly...
Humor humor prank calls legal person themA good laugh will do wonders for you as smiling and laughing lowers your stress levels, wins you a friendly reputation, and helps your usually tense co-workers and bosses to relax. Humour on the job will do a lot for your career, but there are a num...
Humor humor humour work workplace aboutOk, I know stealing Amy Winehouse's garbage was a cheap shot. But obvious jokes are obvious jokes for a reason; when something is so obviously funny and retarded that every single person in the world is making fun of it, then you know you'r...
Humor humor really house bowl thereStephen King has published a new book that is supposed to be a romance. But it turns out to be a romance that should might best take place during Halloween. He has not only written about two characters who loved each other; he has reverted to charact...
Humor humor deceased story things romance turnsSelf help programmes have always been bad but now they are all over the internet as well. "I was deeply pathetic until I learned the power of speed reading/holistic brain surgery/masturbatory hypnosis/insert steaming load here" What astounds me is...
Humor humor inner aboutIf you are looking for that unique personal gift that will make your chosen recipient smile, and is sure to be appreciated, a t-shirt with that funny joke or one liner on it or an amusing unusual picture or graphic is an ideal solution Giving the g...
Humor humor funny shirt giftTony Blair announced that he will step down as Prime Minister of England within a year and give up leadership of the Labor Party, which has been increasingly upset with his performance and approval ratings. What Mr. Blair did not announce is that he ...
Humor humor approval blair party nation plain