203 articles related to "humor"

Twisted Humor; Socks won"t cover this up!

I have had over the years (48 of them) a lot of time to review and participate in many different styles of humor and have studied their various effects on the human psyche. I will convey many of my observations, thoughts and ramblings where humor is ...

Humor  humor birthday morning usually they
Depressed Rabbit Attempts Suicide

A male rabbit named Furball had lost all hope. The female rabbit he had lived with for an entire year had left him for another rabbit. The owner of the garden he usually dined at had just put a fence around it. A fox had nipped one of his ears. And, ...

Humor  humor rabbit thing ground rock life lived
Zen And The Art Of Writing

Nobody knows, as a writer knows, the panic that can be instilled by the sight of a blank piece of paper. Well, OK. Some Illustrators might. And artists if one uses license and allow that a canvas is in fact nothing more that a deluxe sheet of paper....

Humor  humor paper word blank
"Angry Chicken" Disease Peril to Chicken Soup Industry

NEW YORK, NY - The first suspected case of angry chicken disease in the United States was reported Tuesday and threatens to devastate the country's $98 billion chicken soup industry. A Holstein chicken from a farm in Manhattan was found to have...

Humor  humor chicken soup time also
Jest Practices: Best Practices for Humor in the Workplace

Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When use...

Humor  humor they
The Reptire

Our neighbors haven't built on their lot yet. I try to keep them informed with an occasional E mail or picture. A snake recently came from their lot to live on ours and terrorize me. Since they appreciate my updates so much, they have "decided t...

Humor  humor snake them
Prehistoric Camel Found At Wal-Mart Dig

Sure, Wal-Mart carries a big inventory, but how about a prehistoric camel? A nursery owner in Arizona was digging away with the simple goal of planting a new tree at the site of a future Wal-Mart, when he poked into the bones of an ancient camel. H...

Humor  humor mart bones camel owner museum arizona when
Compromised Positions

There is no denying that the sports business these days is awash in bright lights... Quite often, though, the same can't be said for the people or practices involved. The passage of time, the fading of origins and the constant superseding of s...

Humor  humor game sports player from
Land of the Rising Gas

Few people stop to think much about it when they fart. Unless it happens on a crowded elevator,then everyone thinks about it. You may not have pondered the fact that there are over 400 different kinds of gas in one human fart, and Japanese of co...

Humor  humor fart japanese farts space some
If I threw an Armegeddon, Would Anyone Show?

Some thought I was a mushroom the first time I came around. I wonder what they will think of me when I return this time. Probably a bottle of cheap wine, or Vodka. Depends on which nationality will be asked. In some communities I could be mistaken fo...

Humor  humor time those