To us adults, losing a tooth is scary. The mind cannot stay away from toothless witches, beggars, and the overwhelming dental costs. We hopefully try to protect our teeth from any kind of fall. But for kids, there is even more at stake. Three seeming...
Humor humor tooth kids fairy moneyTony Blair announced that he will step down as Prime Minister of England within a year and give up leadership of the Labor Party, which has been increasingly upset with his performance and approval ratings. What Mr. Blair did not announce is that he ...
Humor humor approval blair party nation plainTop 20 Statements, Comments & Questions At Christmas time 1 This single cream seems to be thicker than the double cream 2 Who's gonna pull this cracker with me? 3 Put your Christmas party hat on, you miserable git. 4 Where did you buy your crac...
Humor humor cracker christmas cream filthyapossMuslim women, condemned to wear, even when sandy temps soar, clothes that curiously resemble what nuns usually wore before they lightened up their outfits, are rumored to be preparing a rebellion that is scheduled for a date that is being kept under ...
Humor humor muslim hidden bikini evenMany years ago when I was young, attractive and a viable commodity on the dating market, I was employed as a bartender. Believe it or not, I actually went to "school" to learn this trade. I was living in Las Vegas at the time, and I decided to attend...
Humor humor time breath beforeHow do comedy writers come up with endless funny ideas? Basically they employ the technique called ASSOCIATION. They pair up or associate different images, words and thoughts together until they reach a hilarious result. The most popular and obvious...
Humor humor incongruity ideas technique birdFrivolous lawsuit claims are taking labeling in a whole new direction that borderline on silliness. Some labels wording is so off that you wonder what the manufacturer was thinking. While labels provide relevant information that many consumers find u...
Humor humor labels obvious foodPractical survival skills should be fifty percent of what we study in school! Languishing twelve to sixteen years in the bowels of our education system should not leave American citizens unprepared to cope with perpetually running toilets. A burned o...
Humor humor years practical chasm neglectedThe holiday season is a great time to share some smiles and laughs! And holiday humor helps you develop a well-tuned humor radar. 1. Have a humorous gift exchange at your holiday party. This works great if you have a healthy humor climate where peop...
Humor humor holiday gift photoMicrosoft, in its ceaseless quest to out hip Apple, has just introduced a music player of its own, called Zunetti. In announcing the dazzling mini-innovation, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer highlighted the advantages of the new device over the iPod. I...
Humor humor music zunetti play ipod