When marketing your website, it's important to know which of yourefforts are producing results and which of them are a waste of time.You can learn a lot about this by analyzing your website's statistics (assuming your webhost offers this se...
Marketing marketing links link statisticsThe Hidden Technique to Blast Your Subscriber Numbers Through the Roof by: Eugenia Bivines Hosting a contest is often an underutilized but effective method of attracting more subscribers to your list. A contest puts leverage to work for you bec...
Marketing marketing contest prizes prize people mailingWhy Some Web Sites Sell and Others Don't by: Charlie Cook Why is it that some web sites help sell products and services while most languish in obscurity and only serve as a drain on finances? Web sites are relatively low in cost to build an...
Marketing marketing prospects content sites designTackle a Newsletter and Come out on Top by: Beth Brodovsky Unlike any other marketing vehicle, newsletters give you the opportunity to contact your audience and convey your expertise in a way that offers value and information. Newsletters provid...
Marketing marketing newsletter list informatione Your Fees Overnight! by: Kimberly Stevens Do you want to make more money? Yes, I guess that is a rhetorical question. Everybody wants to make more money, but oftentimes we are not willing to do what needs to be done in order to make it. For ex...
Marketing marketing willing hour servicesLet's have a little fun with this article. I'll take a look at some headlines that I saw this last week while waiting in line at the local grocery store. Then we'll see if we can turn them into formula templates that can be used for In...
Marketing marketing letaposs formula mustDo you think that traffic is the only thing you should focus on to make more profits? Well, you're wrong. There is one thing you need to focus on MORE than generating traffic. That is converting that traffic into buying customers.Are you serious...
Marketing marketing profit traffic visitors testingAn important question to answer when creating or revising aWeb site is "What are the goals of this site?" because theanswer will drive your site design and marketing decisions.A good way to choose the correct goals is to think in termsof the customer...
Marketing marketing decision process right sales making emailDoes your business struggle with profitable onlinemarketing? If so, you are not alone. Attracting the rightcustomers to a site and keeping them coming back - whilealso turning a profit - can be a challenge. Consequently,I'm always on the lookout...
Marketing marketing league baseball target customers visitorsGosh! Where do I start? You can find ezines on anytopic you can imagine. Advertising, marketing, crafts,children, pets, Christian, humor, computer tips,nostalgia, and thousands of other subjects.Publishing an ezine is a lot of work. An ezine is not j...
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