6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Top 10 Tips for WinXP Users

Are you new to WinXp? Just upgraded, or gotten a new computer maybe? Or you might have friends and contacts who use it and you want to "show off" a little by teaching them a few tricks? I`ve collected 10 of my favourite WinXP tricks, each of them eas...

Marketing  marketing select desktop start narrator
Generate Your Knowledge into Profit Effectively With Article Distribution

One of the most effective promotion techniques for onlinemarketing is writing articles surrounding your website orproducts topic or function. Presenting your expertise in acontent filled, straight to the point article will getpeople to click through ...

Marketing  marketing article directories write keep
How to get more leads, sales, repeat business, and profits - without increasing traffic.

Do you think that traffic is the only thing you should focus on to make more profits? Well, you're wrong. There is one thing you need to focus on MORE than generating traffic. That is converting that traffic into buying customers.Are you serious...

Marketing  marketing profit traffic visitors testing
Reach Web Site Goals by Understanding the Customer Decision Making Process Part 1 of 2

An important question to answer when creating or revising aWeb site is "What are the goals of this site?" because theanswer will drive your site design and marketing decisions.A good way to choose the correct goals is to think in termsof the customer...

Marketing  marketing decision process right sales making email
What Can You Learn From Ezines

Gosh! Where do I start? You can find ezines on anytopic you can imagine. Advertising, marketing, crafts,children, pets, Christian, humor, computer tips,nostalgia, and thousands of other subjects.Publishing an ezine is a lot of work. An ezine is not j...

Marketing  marketing ezines learn where
Redefining Distance to Market Products or Services

The recent terrorist attacks here in the US have caused many companies and individuals to rethink how they want to market to and work with others. As a result, web-enabled presentations and or collaborations are finally coming of age – the technolo...

Marketing  marketing presentations presentation meetings standard
Building Relationships Through Your Ezine

Having a business on the internet is different thanhaving a traditional marketing or sales business. Whenyou operate a business from a store, one of thetraditional ways of establishing relationships withyour customers is the meet and greet method. Yo...

Marketing  marketing ezine business publishing customers readers
How To Double, Even Triple Your Sales Instantly

Everyone from pizza chains to video stores have used theprincipals of positioning to explode their business. And now, youtoo can use this strategy regardless of the size of yourbusiness to catapult sales.Remember the pizza chain that had franchises...

Marketing  marketing business pizza competition unique

1) THE SELLER.Since the beginning of time it seems that wheneverwe've wanted to sell something we've either hung anotice outside our cave, or on our local shop's noticeboard, or placed classified advertisements in Local,State, or Trade...

Marketing  marketing local time weaposve sale
E-commerce The Bop Approach

E-commerce The Bop Approach by: Arvind Kumar For centuries and most of the decades in the 20th century (i.e when computer was invented) access and communication was the tool of rich and ultra rich people, prohibitively expansive to ‘not so ric...

Marketing  marketing google internet approach people market common bottom