Small Business Marketing: Are You Using a Net or a Spear by: Jeremy Cohen When I was back in college, over a decade ago, I decided that when I was done I would run off to Alaska and work in the fishing industry. The lure of hard menial labor and...
Marketing marketing spear fish fishing willAn Affable Article by: Seamus DollyIt doesn’t really matter who you are; you definitely know something or know something differently. It is our particular sense of logic and humour that make us interesting.Interesting and informative articles ...
Marketing marketing directories search will10 Tips to Use Giveaways Effectively by: Susan FriedmannWalk around any trade or consumer show and you will be able to collect a bag full of advertising specialties, or giveaway items all designed to promote. But look a little more closely. How ...
Marketing marketing premium giveaway prospects item messageAutoresponders: Ease Your Life by: Pavel Lenshin What every small business operator always lacks is time. Sometimes lack of time leads to inefficiency, what in its turn, leads to business failure even if you have plenty of financial resources. T...
Marketing marketing autoresponder email time theyGetting Looked Over, Without Getting Overlooked: Writing for Scanners and Skimmers by: Matthew Cobb Scanning and Skimming Practices Whether you're writing e-mail messages or Web site sales letters, you need to know how to hold the attenti...
Marketing marketing emphasized attention sales willThe Damaging Admissiona Persuasive Technique by: Matthew Cobb We would all like to think that our product or service is flawless. More importantly, we would like for others to believe that as well. But no matter what you sell, a drawback (someti...
Marketing marketing admission damaging product makeI never rely on just one source to generate leads for my business. It could harm your business if you just depend on one company to generate leads. Imagine if your ONLY supplier goes out of business, his Internet or phone system is down then your bus...
Marketing marketing business leads clients voiceIf you want your business to grow and attract new clients, you’ll have to start creating meaningful proposals. The goal of a proposal is obviously to be awarded new work. It accomplishes this goal by providing answers to the questions of who, what,...
Marketing marketing proposal company business proposedYour local Chamber of Commerce. Now before you stop reading, I assure you this really works, and no, this is not an advertisement for the Chamber of Commerce although it may read like one. What seems now like a hundred years ago I owned and operated ...
Marketing marketing business committeeWhy don’t more people purchase online? A common question asked among online business owners. In today’s economy it is not uncommon to find businesses based solely online. It has become part of our culture, and readily acceptable by society. These...
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