Developing an online marketing strategy is essential before you do any marketing or promotion of your business. Without a strategy it's like stabbing around in the dark, not knowing what you want to achieve. You risk your marketing becoming unfo...
Marketing marketing strategy tactics businessLearning the ropes of Internet Marketing is one of thehardest things to do; even more so if you are a Newbie to computers and the Web. I remember watching the movie "The Flim Flam Man" and heard the quote "You Can't Con an Honest Man." The abov...
Marketing marketing internet business offers offer becauseThe title of this article also happens to be one of the "20 Greatest Headlines Ever Written."Did you know, just changing the headline has been known to dramatically improve the effectiveness of an ad or sales letter by up to 1700 percent? Yes, headli...
Marketing marketing headline headlines themTargeted prospects are coming to you each and everyday, but from a very unlikely place. You probably do not recognize these potential customers /subscribers. You are most likely dismissing these targeted prospects as an annoyance. They cost you NOTHI...
Marketing marketing offer email offers prospectsJason Zweig wrote a great little article in Money Magazine called "R+U Lucky? Some Guys Do Have All The Luck. Here's How to Join Them"(Money, August 2003 pp85).In it he describes the patterns that "lucky" people follow and how to increase your o...
Marketing marketing people business right luckSome types of content are not good candidates for ebook distribution. To market an eBook successfully there must be a benefit to the user. Putting a novel for example, into an eBook does not necessarily guarantee its success. Just because a reader ne...
Marketing marketing ebook computer read screenYou may have inadvertently invited a spy into your computer.There you are, shopping on line and little did you know ityou caught a spy or two.The spy is known by a few names "spyware, adware, trojans".Whatever it’s called, what it does, once it&apo...
Marketing marketing spyware program mail computer spamHOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR TARGETED WEBSITE VISITORS?(c) Copyright 2003 by Ella BrukkerGetting targeted website visitors is easier than you think.Don't loose money over and over again because an affiliateprogram doesn't provide you with qu...
Marketing marketing software visitors targetedNetworking is not collecting business cards. Networking is creating a pool of sources from which you can draw clients, resources, referrals and opportunities. This pool of people is called your "sphere of influence."Weeks after meeting a travel consu...
Marketing marketing people business sphere influenceThere are few better ways to attract new clients and customers than by becoming known as an expert in your field. And the fastest way to establish your expertise is by writing op-eds for newspapers, magazines, trades and the Web.An “op-ed” gets i...
Marketing marketing issue statement expert problem