6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Top Ten Reason to Publish an Ezine AND a Blog

Top Ten Reason to Publish an Ezine AND a Blog by: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman Blogs are the hottest thing going these days when it comes to marketing on the Internet. A blog is a way of delivering your messages and article to clients. They ...

Marketing  marketing blog ezine readers time them
“How Professionals Everywhere Are Gaining New Clients Through The Search Engine Google Anytime They Want And Now You Can Too!”

By Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson© All Rights ReservedYou might call it the new gold rush for professionals… because all it takes is five dollars and only five minutes and anybody can advertise their business on the world’s most popular sear...

Marketing  marketing clients google minutes
No Logo? Launching a Business Without a Logo Can Sabotage You

No Logo? Launching a Business Without a Logo Can Sabotage You by: Erin Ferree No Logo? Launching a Business Without a Logo Can Sabotage You Initial lack of customers and cash flow often causes a small business to put off designing a logo and ma...

Marketing  marketing business materials logo
10. Lightening Fast Ways To Escalate Your Sales

1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensiveproduct. If people like your inexpensive product,they'll be persuaded to buy your expensive one.2. Allow your visitors to decided how much theywant to pay for your product. I only recommend itfo...

Marketing  marketing people extra mail they
How to Get Some of Paris Hilton’s TV Time

How to Get Some of Paris Hilton’s TV Time by: Dr. Letitia Wright, D.C. When your book is mentioned on television, sales go up. Immediately people start looking in book stores and on the internet to find out how to buy it. The more people hear ...

Marketing  marketing book shows show they
Banner Ads How To Quadruple Clickthroughs Using Proven Techniques!

It’s a fact…Businesses right now are wasting thousands of dollars onineffective advertising.In fact, a large majority of business owners are satisfied whenthey place a banner ad and double their investment.Are you in this category? Do you pull me...

Marketing  marketing banner want
Going Fishing

Every year about this time, we make our annual pilgrimage to thewaters of the Atlantic to go striped bass fishing. Loading theboat with all the essentials, such as something cool to quaff andpiles of sandwiches, we grab our rods and reels and sally f...

Marketing  marketing different bait
Making Your Free Ads Work For You!

Advertising needn't be expensive, and for those in the know;advertising can also be free. But occasionally your 'free' adscan get lost in the e-zine jungle. And, unfortunately, manypeople misuse their free ads. By 'misuse' I ...

Marketing  marketing product prospect same
Banners Do Bring Traffic!

Banner advertising remains one of the most effective andcost efficient manners of gaining targeted responses tovisit your web site.To benefit from this form of online advertising you musthave a web page. It would also be preferable, thoughnot essenti...

Marketing  marketing banner banners will
Inexpensive and Effective Advertising for Your Web Site

With so many businesses on the web and so many different ways ofpromoting your site it is easy to spend far too much onadvertising and get far too little in return. Here are sometried and true ways of promoting your business that are simpleand relati...

Marketing  marketing banner many